6. Nerd In Trouble

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Chapter 6: Nerd In Trouble

"He's a total dick" I muttered angrily into the phone, balling my hands into a tight fist.

She chuckled over the line, "How do you know that he spread the rumour?" Rachel asked me.

It's been about a week since I've last talked to her, and not only has a rumour of me and Noah spread throughout the collage like wild fire, but he thought it would be hilarious to pour orange juice all though my bed.

I sighed, "I don't,"

She chuckled, "He's got you all tied up, hasn't he?"

I choked on my own saliva, "What! No! He's a jerk, I don't do jerks. Or guys..." I told her, she should know that. She knows what happened the last time I let a boy into my life.

"Mel, you've got to get over Jeremy sooner or later, Lauren too," she said softly.

Jeremy was my ex, the one that totally broke my heart. He was my first boyfriend (and my last), and it was the night of our six month anniversary, we were planning something big. But I caught him cheating on me with my ex best friend (second to Rachel) Lauren. I was totally heart broken as I'm sure anyone would be, and still to this day, haven't really gotten over it.

"Yeah, well, I'm not getting over him with Noah," I muttered down the line, "Although he's a dick, I'm not using him as a rebound. I'm not that sort of girl,"

"Whatever," she said, "All I'm saying is that you seem to like this one, he gets you all flustered," she giggled.

I frowned, "Does not!" I defend myself.

She laughed loudly, "Oh hell, I bet he's hot!" She gushed.

"Like you wouldn't believe," I sighed, and gasped when I realised what if said.

She chuckled, "Is that so?" I could almost see her smile.

"Enough of that now," I chuckled, "I've got to go to class now, cya Rach."

"Bye sweetheart."

The line went dead.

I collected my stuff and headed of to English and guess who was in it? That's right Mr. Noah Prior! He seems to be a lot of my classes. Turns out he's also doing teaching. Well guess what! He's a man child, and will make a terrible teacher. He threw paper planes at me every time Mr Howard looked away. Just trying to piss me off. Amber, Peter and Eddie were also in our class and seemed to enjoy our bickering.

Today was a boring lecture. Mr Howard was writing lots on the board about children behaviour or something. I was coping down some notes and my hand was starting to ache, so I placed my pen on the table and with a sigh I gave it a shake when something hit my head.

There was a paper plane lying on the floor. I looked up at Noah and he pointed to the plane. I looked at the white piece of paper. There was something different about this one. On the wings of the planes had 'OPEN ME!' in big writing. I picked it up and unfolded it. There was a note written in his elegant script.

Hi Mel,

Can I call you Mel instead of Melissa? Oh wait I already did! Ha

-Noah xx

When I ignored him he threw another one.

Come on baby answer me! </3

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