18. Baby?

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Chapter 18: Baby?

Brad and I had been spending lots of time together recently. He was like one of my best friends here at the moment. He just seemed to 'get' me and all of my problems. Or as Britney says, he only gets me because he supposedly likes me and he'll do anything for me.

"You're looking better today " he said. We where lying down outside in the grass out in the warm sun.

"I'm feeling it," I smiled. It's being about a month since the whole Noah incident.

"Thats good," he murmured with a smile.

I sighed, "The sun is so beautiful." I smiled, soaking up the heat.

"It's not the only thing," Brad said then frowned as I looked over at at him.

"What is it?" I asked him sitting up to look at him better.

"Well I was thinking," Brad started, "Please tell me if I'm stepping over the line, but I really like you Mel,"

Crap. My new best guy friend liked me. Of course Britney was right. She was right about most things. But maybe this is what I needed. I mean he was a really nice guy, handsome, kind and caring. I would probably like him lots more if it wasn't for Noah. He would make the perfect guy for me too. Always looking after me. And maybe he would even help me to get over Noah.

So after a short moments silence I said, "You're not over stepping," I playfully wink at him.

He blushed, "Mel," he paused looking away, "Would you go out with me?" he asked timidly.

Although he had the bad boy look, he was really soft and mushy when it came to this sort of stuff, which made him all the more sweet.

"I'd love too," I smiled. He smiled triumphantly at me like I was a real prize and I blushed as he chuckled.

"You go a really nice shade of pink when you blush," he whispered, brushing my cheek with his hand.

"I'm glad you like it," I giggled, and it felt unnatural. I haven't giggled in what seems like forever.

He stood up and held his hand out to me. I took it and he lifted me off the warm ground. "Where are we going?" I asked him.

"To get lunch! I'm starved," he said rubbing his tummy.

I chuckled a little as I frowned playfully at him, "You're alway hungry!"

He chuckled and pulled me along. When we made it to the cafeteria we walked to our table hand in hand. A few people stared at us and I looked down embarrassed.Brit noticed a linked hands straight away, and Noah seemed to as well.

"What's all this?" She waved her hands at ours and smiled at me.

"She's my girlfriend, so I should be allowed to hold her hand," Brad smiled proudly, staring down at me as he spoke.

There was a loud bang as Noah's fists landed down on the table with some force and his mouth wide open just staring at me in shock. Everyone glanced at him then back to us, of course all thinking the same thing, awkward.

"Aww that's cute guys!" Brit said, looking away from Noah and back to us.

We sat in our seats as people congratulated us and Brad never let go of my hand. It was nice and warm, nothing like Noah's but nice in a different sort of way. Noah never took his eyes off Brad, he stared him down. If looks could kill, I thought.

When the bell went everyone is the room disappeared quickly and we slowly followed everyone else. But when everyone was gone and it was just Brad and I in the room, he pushed me up against the closest was wall seductively.

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