Story Time and #SmackCamGoneWrong

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We walked into the house and took our shoes off so that we wouldn't track sand. I went to Amber's room and knocked on the door. It opened in the middle of my third knock.
"What's up?" I asked her.
"Nothing really, just telling my teddies some stories." She answered, pulling me into her room, by my my hand.
"Can you tell me a story too?" I asked her.
"Of course, you'll enjoy my stories." She replied smiling.
I went and sat on her bed along with all her other teddies and she came and sat in front of us.
"There once was a girl named Bianca," she began as I smiled, "...she was very smart and very pretty and she also had superpowers. She was destined to become a great leader one day. When this day came, she was in the middle of brushing her hair, and suddenly she heard a crash come from downstairs. She immediately put her brush down and ran downstairs, faster than any human, to see what happened. She entered the living room and saw that the boys of Mindless Behavior were all passed out on the floor. She used her superpowers to wake them up, and then she asked what happened to them. They all told her that they tried to make their own bombs, but they blew up in their faces. Bianca scolded them for being so foolish as to try to make bombs in the house. She also scolded them for even attempting to make their own bombs. She went outside to get some air, and the boys followed. She began walking down the sidewalk and she felt something strange in her head and her stomach. Then everything in her vision went black. When she could see again, she opened her eyes to darkness. It was like she hadn't opened her eyes at all. Oh, how she wished she had some light, so that she could see where she was. Then Prodigy appeared with a torch, and soon after, the rest of MB appeared with torches. Princeton had two torches and handed one to Bianca. As Bianca looked around, she saw all of her past lives and doppelgängers. It was in that moment that she realized it was her time to be leader. All of the doppelgängers and her past lives got down on one knee and started chanting, saying, 'We pledge our lives to you as our leader and we will never betray you'. MB got down on their knees and joined the chanting. Bianca used her superpowers to draw a circle of fire around herself. Then, she sent it up and out over them. Everyone in the room felt the warmth and comfort of her promise to lead and protect them. They all cheered and lived happily ever after." Amber told.
I sat there, awestruck. She really did just tell me my prophecy and everything that was going to happen. "Amber did you make that story up?" I asked her.
"No, it came to me in a dream." She answered shrugging.
"Your brain is awesome." I complimented.
She laughed. "Thanks, I think."
"I'm gonna go to my room. Thank you for that amazing story. I really enjoyed it." I said, hugging her.
"I knew you would." She replied hugging me tight.
We let go of each other and I walked out, closing the door behind me. I went to my room and lied down on my bed. Jo Jo walked into my room with one of his hands behind his back and his phone in the other. The smell of whipped cream hit my nose. Jo Jo ran up to me and tried to hit me in my face with the hand that contained the cream. I reflexively caught his hand and took his phone. I put the camera on him and smashed his hand into his face.
"BRUH!" Jo Jo said and I stopped the recording right after he said that.
I laughed at him as he wiped his face off, and ate the cream at the same time. I handed his phone back to him and he snatched it from me and posted the video on his Instagram. His caption read:
"When you try to smack cam your sister but she has fast reflexes 😂😂😂 #SmackCamGoneWrong"

A/N: It's 2am and I'm wide awake so why not update? Happy Holidays everyone. Hope you guys had a wonderful Christmas.

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