She's Hiding Something

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I told Prodigy everything that had happened from the park to dad's house. I left out the part about dad's psycho plan to get me back under his custody.

"You're not telling me everything." he observed squinting his eyes at me.

"Well...He decided that he didn't want me around mom and my siblings. He wants me back under his custody." I admitted.

"He can't do that!" Prodigy protested.

"I know! I told him that, but he's not giving up." I replied as Jo Jo walked off to the kitchen.

"Prodigy?! Bianca?!" I heard Mom call.

I looked at Prodigy in panic. "Mom cannot know about this." I told him.

"So what do we tell her?" He asked in return.

"Nothing. Wing it. She'll be fine." I answered walking to Mom with Prodigy on my heels.

"Yes?" We answered to her once we reached her in the kitchen.

"I need y'all to go to the store around the corner for me. We need some Arizona teas. Watermelon preferably." She says with a kind smile on her face. She handed me a twenty dollar bill and shooed us out of the door.

"She's hiding something." I stated.

"How do you know?" Prod asked.

"Did you see the way she just got rid of us when she knows I've been out all day? Plus, it's dinner time and we're not eating dinner. She's definitely hiding something from us." I answer.

"Okay. What are we going to do about it?" He asked.

"We're going to go get the stinking Arizona teas. But we're going to get them faster than normal. You up for a race?" I ask.

He shrugs and takes off at full speed. I soon ran after him and followed him to the little convenience store two blocks away from the house.

We stopped outside and I told him that I would go in. He nodded. I went in and gave the clerk the money and asked for two bags. The clerk gave them to me then I went over to the fridge that held the Arizona teas. I filled the two bags with the watermelon flavored tea and walked out. I handed a bag to Prodigy and raced him back home.

We stopped on the porch and I put my bag down, so Prodigy did the same. I put my finger to my lips to motion to him to not make any noise. At all. I walked around the house and climbed up to the window that led to Mom's room. Soon Prodigy appeared beside me. I looked in the window to find my mom and Jo Jo in there sitting on the bed talking. I concentrated hard to hear what they were saying.

"But Mom, I really saw him. He's alive!" Jo Jo says.

"Jovante this is not a great time to start joking with me. I saw him dead. I saw his corpse before I went to get Bianca from the police station. Leave me alone with this nonsense." Mom replies.

"I'm so serious. You have to believe me." Jo Jo says.

Then Mom got angry. She slapped Jo Jo in the face and he cried out in pain.

"Maybe that put some sense in you." Mom says getting up from her bed and walking to her bathroom. "Dumbass is gonna tell me that my husband is back living. Delusional son of a bitch." She mumbled as she closed, no slammed, the door behind her.

I let go of the frame of the window and dropped down to the ground, landing on my feet. Prodigy landed beside me and looked straight in my eyes.

"What. The. Hell." Was all he said before we ran into the house, grabbing the bags first, then raced up the stairs and into Mom's room.

Jo Jo sat there, all teary eyed, looking down at the floor. Then something dawned on me. I haven't seen Amber, Roc, Prince, and Ray all day.

"You take care of him." I told Prodigy. "I'll go check on the others." I added.

With that, I walked away and followed Amber's scent to her room. I knocked on her door.

"Who is it?" she asks.

"Bianca." I answer. "May I come in?" I ask.

"Yeah." She answers opening the door.

I walked in her room, looking around. It was filled with little girly things. Like dolls, doll houses, bears, etc.

"This place is nice." I complimented.

"Thank you." She says. "I know why you're here." She admitted.

"Why am I here?" I ask her.

"You want to see if I'm okay and if I heard Mom hit Jo Jo." She answers.

Wow. Smart kid. "Correct." I really. "Are you okay though?" I ask.

"Yeah I'm good. I feel bad for Jo Jo though." She answers looking down at the floor.

"Me too." I agreed. "Well I have to go and see if Ray, Roc, and Prince ran away yet. See you later." I say walking out.

"Bye." she said waving.

I followed Ray's scent and it led to my room, which the rest of the boys were in. They were crowded around my blood cooler. I cleared my throat and they looked at me.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked them.

They laughed and attacked me in a big, tight group hug.

"We're starving." Princeton complains.

"Tell me about it." I reply, breaking away from the embrace. I walked over to my cooler and passed the banks out. I drank the blood out of my bank, every last drop of it, then put it in a sack behind the cooler. The boys did the same.

"Should I sleep tonight, or should I listen out for you guys?" I asked them.

"I think you deserve a night to rest." Roc answered. The rest of them mumbled agreements.

"Looks like I'll be listening out tonight." I decided.

They laughed.

"How long can you go without sleep?" Ray asked.

"Up to four or five days. After that, no matter how much I feed, my body will start to decompose." I answer.

"You already have that faint smell of death." Prince says.

"And you already have that faint smell of ignorance." I retorted, rolling my eyes at him. "Oh my bad, that's just your natural scent." I add.

Prince laughed that burn off.

Just then Prodigy entered my room. I immediately handed him his blood bank. He tore it apart and drank it all three heart beats and put it in the sack.

"Is he okay?" I asked him.

"Yeah he's good." He answered, sitting down on my bed.

"Prodigy, I think she knows." I say.

"About what?" All the boys except Prodigy asked.

"That our father is a vampire." Prodigy answers them.

A/N: I know you guys hate me. I hate myself too. For not updating, that is. I could never find the time to just sit and write. So here I am at 9 o'clock p.m. updating. Instead of doing my three page report on a professional athlete. You're welcome. Love you!!!

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