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KL Rahul P.O.V

I came out of the bathroom after taking a bath, when I see all my friends in my room. All, Ronit, Mayank, Sinan, Aashi, Bhavna. All of them were staring me like a dead meat. And I know why. I acted cool.

" Whole gang is in my room gracing it. Wow"
I said with a smile , and got a look from Ronit.
" Ronit I got the stuff your mom asked me to get"

" Stop acting dumb Rahul." Sinan said and I sighed.

" Fine, let's talk." I said sitting in the couch

" That woman fucked your life and you were meeting her as if she's your best friend" Ronit said giving me a sting eye

" Well in a way , yes. She is my best friend. Before we got into relationship she was my best friend. And I just wanna leave the past back and start fresh" I said genuinely. I do want to start fresh.

" Start fresh? Okay fine you can but not with her. she's the one who broke you Anna. I can't see you like that again" Bhavna said softly

" Leave it Bhavna. He's a mad man. Talking to him about her is like banging your head on the wall. We all know what she did. We have seen him suffer because of her. And here he's again on the mission to ruin himself." Mayank said pissing me off. And then turned to me " you really like to live in pain know? Then go do whatever the fuck you want but I'm done with your bullshit. That woman is nothing but a nightmare" I had enough by now. No matter what I can't hear anything bad about my Harshi.

I chuckled a lil " Pain. I was the one who felt it. And I know all of you care for me nad have seen me suffer but did you see her suffer.? Did you see her pain? No right. Because we all thought she left me and taht might have caused nothing to her. None of you know her like I do. And I always knew that she loved me way more than I ever loved her. So, do think leaving wouldn't have caused any pain to her? I had you all by my side to give me shoulder. Who does she had? No one. Infact she even pushed Kiara towards me . She asked her to choose me over her. I was blinded by my pain that I treated her like shit when I met her again. But thank god I met some who made me realise that I wasn't the only one hurting." I took a pause and still saw doubts in their eyes " Don't you guys think that there must have been something really huge that made her take this decision? Do you guys think that our love so week that she left me without any reason? No. Right? So, I'm trying to know that reason only. I know Alisha nad Harry already know but they won't tell me because it's Harshi'e secret to tell and I respect their decision. And this wedding I'm trying to win her back. I'll do everything in my power to know the reason.   Are you guys with me? Because I know I can't do it without you guys. Also because no matter how much I try I can't hate her. I still love her very much.  So, would you all help me?" I said looking all of them pleading.
Whole room was silent and I was scared that they might not help me. But then Bhavna took a deep breath " if this whole thing is to know the reason then I'll help you. But don't expect me to be nice to her. Untill we actually get to know the truth"
I smiled at that and hugged her.
" Even I'll help you because I want to know why my softest best friend took this decision?" Aashita said joining the hug. Soon Sinan and Ronit also joined . We broke the hug to see  Mayank, I tried to speak but he said it before " I don't care what you guys think. For me she's the reason my best friend broke into pieces..so, don't expect me to help you guy. I hope I'm wrong though" with thta he left the room. And I sighed.

" He'll understand. I'll talk to him. You know how much he cares for you. This is fatherly love for you. " Aashi told me with a smile which I gladly returned.
Just then Hardik , Alisha and Kiara entered the room with a huge smile " so what's the plan?" Harry asked excitedly.

And we all laughed at that.

I was speaking to Kiara when I saw Harshi looking for something. So I excused myself to go to her.
" Miss Singh. You looking for something?" I asked her from behind startling her.
" No, It's nothing" she said trying to walk away. I took her hand and pulled her towards the kitchen. "You must be hungry after that flight Miss Singh. Let me cook something for you" I said smiling.
When we entered the kitchen the look on her face was clear indication that she is confused. And I was loving it. She made me three years wonder why she left me. So, I'll make her wonder for a week, why I'm acting like this? Just taking my sweet revenge.
She was standing there looking at me when I quickly made ice tea and offered her. She took it doubtfully but didn't say anything.
" You enjoy your drink untill I cook something delicious for you" I said as I turned to cook her favorite scrambled egg sandwich.
" So have you prepared any dance Miss Singh.? Afterall it's your best friends wedding. " I questioned her hoping she'll speak up but she still didn't say anything except looking at me . I smiled and quickly made sandwich for her. I ook her hand and made her sit on the dining table, gave her sandwich. " Enjoy your favourite sandwich " I said smiling and taking the chair next to her.
" Miss Singh, I was thinking why don't we perform one duet? It'll be fun no? "
No reply
" Miss Singh how's the sandwich…? " Still no reply so I smirked and pulled her closer and whispered in her ears " Have you suddenly gone dumb Miss singh?" And that made hitched, I chuckled and got up to leave but not before rumbling her head once.

Heyya people..

In last chapter I told you guy I'll make it up to you all for posting it late. So I'm asking you all, what do you want me to do to make it up to you. ? Except from posting the chapters. Because next chapter can't be uploaded atleast before 4 July. But still I'll try to post it early.
So, here I'm asking you all to ask me to do whatever you want . I'll do it.


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