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Rahul's P.O.V

Fifteen days are my over,  i don't know how and why I did it?  I remember the moment i saw Harshi i felt like someone Took my heart in their hand and crumbled it.  I missed her and seeing her after 2 years made me furious.  I wanted to leave the campaign but i didn't because i wanted answers.  I wanted to know why she did what she did?  But i got nothing. The last time i tried she told me she never loved me and man did it hurt?  No, it fellt like someone pushed me off a 25 floor building and not ones but twice because that very same day she met with an accident.  I thought i'll die the moment i heard the news,  i knew it was me because of whom this happened. I wanted to run to the hospital and hug her, but her words kept running in my head
Because I never loved you  and that made me stop.  But the day i saw her again in the set i couldn't stop and that's why i cornerd her in the proproom, i wanted to see her injuries but i saw something elsewith it.  My touch still bothered her,  it had the same effect on her the way it was earlier and that mad me back away, i can't make myself loose again to someone who can leave me anytime.  Anyways its over now and i won't be seeing her from tomorrow,  i should feel relieved about it but I'm  feeling very uneasy.  She didn't even come today, i know i'll  be seeing her in the evening but that's it.  We'll be parting our ways once again. I still want to ask what wrong i did?  Was there something that she didn't like? 
Because all i could remember about our relationship was smiles, love,  laughter and happiness.  So,  why she left me? I tried to search for her for months.  I tried to contact every person she  ever talked to or talked about but got no clue.  I remember the day,  it still crystal  clear in my head


Test series of India vs Sri Lanka is finally over and now i can finally go back to india and kiss harshi for as long as i want.  I love hwr so much that she keeps me awake in night.  She's the reason i try to be a better person everyday. Right now we're in airport and I'm  taking direct flight to Bangalore and this idiot Hardik is coming with me because man he's  so jealous that i have got a girlfriend who lovea me so dearly and he's  still alone. Just then my phone rang and a smile came up on my face for which i got teased by Captain,  virat lovea teasing me.  He says he's taking his revenge because  i use to tease him alot when Anuska and him were in relationship. I excused myselft and picked the phone "Hey beauty.. I missed you " "Hey Beast..  I love you" her voice was heavy i could sense something wrong "Beauty,  are you okay? " "Yeah  obviously.  I missed you so much. " "Ditto" she giggled  "Rahul, you know na that No matter what happens I'll  love you forever ." "Obviously,  what happened Harshita.? Why are you talking like this?  " I asked again, i know something's bothering her but she laughed "Nothing,  just comeback soon" "Aye aye captain " she laughed and then said goodbye to me. 

It was 10 pm when we reached Bangalore, i was so happy that bhavna won't be there at home as she has gone for some trip and i can spend some time alone with Harshi bit this Hardik,  i hate him.
We reached home at 12 am, i hate the difference between airport and my house it feels like am traveling to another city.  I tried calling Harshi many a times but her no was coming out of coverage area. So,  as soon as i ran reached home i pressed the bell but nobody opened the door so i took my keys and unlocked the gate,  its giving me panic. I just hope harshi is fine.
As we both entered the house all the lights are switched off i called her name and got no reply  "She's  not home i guess " Hardik said
My heart was beating so fast "Hardik, her phone is coming out of coverage area , qhere can she go?, I'm  going to see if she's in the  room. You go please check in serven quarters" i ran upto the room and she's not here and then i searched whole house she's  not here.  I tried calling her but no use  when i heard Hardik call out for me "She left in the evening your servent said,  she left simba with him and didn't say anything hwere she's  going " I nod and go to my room ones again to sit for a minute but that's  when i noticed her cupboard,  it's  empty.  I checked her shoe closet same,  empty. And that's when i found a note

Hey my beast,

I'm going. Don't try to search for me.  It's  better for both of us, try to forgive and forget me.
And always remember that I loved you no matter what. I know you're  stronger than you think so don't  look for me,  I'm doing this for us.  Please

-Yours and only yours

I couldn't understand for a second and next thing i know i have literally broken the glass by punching it, hardik came running and i showed him the note and he hugged me.  I cried, i don't know why she left me but I'm gonna search for her.

Flashback over

I can never forget that day,  I was so happy to show her my Man of the series  trophy but she was gone.  And today I'm  going to her place to eat  Biryani.  Honestly sometimes i laugh at my destiny because it's  so fucked up that now its funny.

It's  6:30 when we finally left for Harshi's place and we reached her place in an hour.  It was my first time visiting her place,  i didn't even know where she lived.  Many a times i thought of following her but thwn that sounded very creepy as soon as we pressed the bell a guy opened the door
"Vibhor, dude when did you come? " Rohan  asked the man
"Today only, and see how bad my luck is I'm  lwaving in few hours.  Any ways come inside"  we all entered  the house and i saw others hugging and being all friendly with this guy who's  name is i guess Vibhor.  I'm really curious to know who he really is so the i asked Rohan " Who is this man? " "Oh.. This is Vibhor" "Wow Rohan,  now i know why people call you dumb, Who is he? " and whatI heard next made my world fall apart

"ohh.. He's Harshita's Fiancé"

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