a new start

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This year was definitely a rollercoaster, which was definitely broken and we all thought we might just die. But luckily we're landing into 2021.
In this ride all of us went through our own pain and suffering. We lost many people and many opportunities. Life was a chaos.
But we can't deny that this ride was Scary but memorable. Many people posted on their stories
"would you like to delete 2020 out of your life?" 
My answer is definitely NO.
I too lost something, I too had bad days and blamed this year.
But looking back I also had some great time.
* After 13 years I finally got to stay with my family for this long.
* After 13 years I celebrated festivals at my home.
* I got to rest, not only physically but mentally.
* Got rid of toxic people.
* Finding that Baker in me
* obviously those times we gave phetti hui Coffee a new name.
* Cooking new dishes, and trying new hobbies.
* playing all those games ( ludo, uno, cards,etc)
* binging on those series I wasn't getting time to watch
* Discovering new Music
* Finding and grooving on my love for KPOP
* drooling over Oppas
* Complition of my first Ever book
* You guys
* 10 years of ONE DIRECTION
* most importantly giving more time to myself.
So, this year wasn't all that bad. I'm sure we all had cherishing moments in this disastrous year too.
Instead of hating this year let's learn from it and move ahead. We really don't know when the situations will get better? Or when we'll get rid of COVID? But we do know that "Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light."
Don't  forget to turn on your lights in 2021 and make it Happy. 

So I'm wishing you all A very Happy and better 2021. May we get our lost opportunities back, and  find the new ones.
Also lets HOPE

Messed Up LoveHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin