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All i could hear was lots and lots of horns,  my head was throbbing with pain i could feel glass has sliced my cheeks i could feel the blood.  I tried to get out of the car but had no energy in me.  All i could think of what i said before leaving from set,  i lied. Just then someone opened the gate and i could listen what they are saying. 
"We'll  have to take her to the hospital,  we cant wait for the ambulance " and then i felt people lifting me and then i went to sleep.

When i woke up it was hard to open my eyes because of all the lights in the room. I opened my eyes somehow and saw Jia and Rohan sitting by my side "Hey guys" I whispered  which grabbed their attention, i tried to sit and Rohan Helped me in doing and then i hugged him and cried,  cried  like a baby.  Not because i have been in an accident but because now i can't do all this,  I'm  so tired. "shhh,  nothing happened you're  fine Harshu" i sniffed and looked at him and then he explained that I'm  not really hurt as i have only got a wound on my cheek and wrist.  Cheek because  of glass and wrist because  of impact.  I could feel a lil bit pain in my head and that's what i told him "I know,  doctor's checked it.  It's  only because of the smack your car created but they won't niglect it and keep treating you for that too" he told me. I could see jia crying and that's why i gave her a smile "Hey,  jia.  Am fine" "You know how scared we got when we heard the news?  And if anyone looks at your car they might get a heart attack as the way it looks, i don't know how you survived " i opened my arm to call her near me to hug her "I'm  fine now.  Stop crying " then i looked at Rohan "you guys didn't inform my family na .?" "No. Only your brother knows.  He insisted on coming but i controled that" I gave him a smile thanking him.  I cant afford my family taking tension for me and if my brother comes here chances are he would lock me and never let me go out. And if you see my injury am not really hurt other than a cut and cramp on my wrist.so, I'm  fine only.  "Don't you guys have to go to work?" i asked looking at the clock
"No,  we've taken off today. We cant leave you to die here " Jia replied with a chuckle "Guys nooo.  Please go i want this campaign to get over as soon as possible "i said looking at both of them after which they looked at each other as if talking about something but then moved their head towards me and ordered me to take rest and told me they are not leaving.  I'm greatful to god that he gave me these two when i left every friend, every person behind.  I couldn't contact anyone other than my family because i didn't want anyone to know where I'm, at that time these two monkeys entered my life and if i say i didn't enjoy their company then am surely lying.

It's  been three days since the accident and three days since am locked inside my own house as Vashisth has ordered me to not come to work until am fully fine but me sitting here alone is making me more sick.  They discharged me the very next day but Vashisth hasn't  discharged me and has admited me to my own place.  He was after me to stay at his place with his family and after lot of bickering he finally allowed me to stay at my place with Jia.  Yeah jia is staying with me even when there was no need as now am totally fine. The only thing that was bothering me was Rahul didn't ask anyone about how I'm?  Does he really  not care anymore? And even if he don't it shouldn't bother me but it is.  I mean I'm the one who has always hurt him so him not caring for me shouldn't bother me but it is.  Anyways,  i received a call from my brother aftet getting discharged and he lashed out his anger on me.  He didn't stop  yelling for an hour.  Honestly i kept my phone on speaker and put it aside because his yelling was making my head burts.  And coming to car,  It's  distroyed. Jia was right. I didn't know how i servived the crash looking at it.

I'm  bored.  And now i want to leave my home.  I want to go out and work. Firstly,  because i love what i do. And second,  because it'll  keep my mind away from Rahul not bothering. " Jia,  I'm  going to work and you're  coming with me. " i said and she rolled her eyes "No,  you're  not going " "I'm  your senior,  remember? " i asked "I do.  But if i let you go out of this place then am certainly screwed. So no" " You have two options,  one drive me to work and second I'll  go on my own but I'll  tell Rohan you like him" which literally made her eyes come out
"How do you know? " "I know everything "i said smirking
"You wouldn't do that " "wanna check? " i said walking out of the house only to be followed by Jia
"This is cheating " she whined and made me sit in her car and drove.
Whole way  she kept bickering how bad of a friend i am and i kept chuckling.

Hey Guys,

Hope you all are doing well and are healthy and happy.  I'm writing this to inform you guys about how much your support matters to me.  I have been sick for more than a week now and feels like doing nothing but when i think that maybe this story brings smile to others faces and people are actually waiting for an update, i actually become a lil productive and start working on the story. You guys are the reason i feel motivated to write the story.
Thank you so much.

One request i would like to make and that is " I need cover for this story and am not good in making one.  So,  if you guys could help me with it I'll  be really greatfull "
And don't  forget to Vote and please please please comment.


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