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Rahul's P. O.

"wh..what? " i asked Rohan "Oh you didn't know she's engaged? Yeah that's her fiancé, he's a Pilot" Rohan told me and I didn't know how to react so i just stood there looking at the guy who now has the most loved possession of my life. "Hey, I'm a big fan. Btw Vibhor " Vibhor said introducing himself "Hey, thanks. And nice to meet you Vibhor" I said with a fake smile because Honestly what i really feel like doing to him is stab him million times. I was talking to him when Harshi entered the room and as soon as she looked at We both,her Expression changed. Vibhor excused Himself and went to hug her from behind and left a kiss on her cheek and now i had my hand in fist, i just wanted to punch the hell out of him for kissing my girl..And Harshi saw my fist and then my face but did nothing about it.
"So, you're the reason for her to taking the off today" Vashisth said
"Nooo, he came in the Afternoon without even informing me"
"I wanted to surprise her but it was me who got the surprise because when i saw her she was all wrapped in flour " "Yeah obviously because i was busy cooking for these pigs" "So, for how long you're here Vibhu"
"Aagghh... My lucks really bad Vashisth, am leaving in next 2 hours. Have a flight to Australia, anyway that won't stop us from enjoying the life. Whos up for a Scotch ?" "Vibhor you've got a plane to fly and you're not drinking " Harshi ordered him like once she ordered me "I won't drink but at least i can see them drink, Right Rahul? " i smiled
"Absolutely, and I definitely need a drink now" I said looking at Harshi and she just shook her head in no as if she's trying to convince me but now nothing can stop me. I want drinks.

I'm 3 pegs down and see Harshi's not in the room so i went in and saw her in kitchen i smiled at her
"Congratulations Ms. Singh on your engagement " she looked at me with a straight face and said nothing "Nice choice. So, is he the final one or you're planning to run away again ?" "Rahul you need to stop drinking " " You don't tell me what to do Harshi. "
Just then Vibhor came "What are you guys talking? " "Nothing, Rahul was telling me that he should not drink more because he's got practice in the morning "
"Really? " "Vibhor asked me
"No man, today I'm really happy i am gonna drink as much as i can" "Are you sure dude? " He asked me again "Yes man. " with that i chuged down the drink i had in my hand.
Everyone is Enjoying and my eyes are stuck on Harshi, and how he's kissing her every now and then. I want rip him off his bady. We finally had dinner and Harshita left to say bye to Vibhor who's leaving, i got up to take a call from Alisha and went to window only to see Him kissing harshita on lips, and then i just couldn't talk and that's why i went inside and drank more, i just want this pain to vanish but the picture is coming in front of eyes again and again. Was he the reason she left me? Was he better than me?

Harahita's P. O. V

I saw rahul when Vibhor kissed me and the look on Rahul face made my heart hurt. Vibhor is someone my parents made me meet when they were adter me to Settle down. He's a nice guy so when i asked him to wait at least for a year before the wedding he agreed, he said lets get engaged and i just wanted my parents to stop bothering so i agreed. My parents love him but for me he's just a friend, He's understanding, caring, well groomed. Maybe that's why he never asked me why i don't wear the engagement ring. And the answer is because I always wanted to wear Rahul's Promise ring instead of somebody's engagement ring.
It was 12:30 when everyone planned to leave and got up except Rahul, who was clearly very drunk and was not in condition to drive. Rohan tried to wake him and said he'll drop him but I stopped him "It's okay, he's asleep let him sleep" Rohan gave me a look and asked me eyeing "Are you sure..?" i smiled "Yeah, anyways I'll be sleeping inside and it's late so don't worry " " Okay then" with that everyone left. I closed the door of my apartment and saw Rahul sleeping like a tortoise, he always slept like this and that brought a smile on my face. So, i sat beside him and looked at his face, and kissed his Forehead, And moved my hand over his hair. I don't know for how long i kept looking at him lost. May be that's why i got scared when the bell rang.
It's 1 am who would come at this time ?i thought but got up to open the door and went shock.
Well even the person standing infront of me was shocked.
Hardik was standing there with his jaw dropped looking at me and i had the same expressions on my face. " Hardik? " "Is he here? "
"mm yeah, he's really drunk and Sleeping. " i said moving aside letting him enter "I know, he texted me to pick him up from his Colleagues place didn't know it was you" "Amm.. I had invited everyone at home for dinner "
"I told him which made me realize that Even Hardik loves biryani
"would you like to have biryani? "
I asked him "No, I'm here just to pick him" He replied very rudely and i nodded my head. With that he put Rahul's hand on his shoulder which woke up Rahul and then they left.

I sighed and sat down on the floor, I have ruined everything. Hardik was Rahul's best friend but he also became a brother to me who's sole purpose in life was to prank me or prank with me to others and today that guy didn't even spare a smile at me. With that thought i fell asleep on the drawing rooms floor.

At around 11:30 am i woke up with my phone ringing, it was Vibhor
"Hello" i picked up the call "Still sleeping, and jere i have reached Australia " "aaggh don't irritate me vibhor let me sleep and with that i hung up the call and saw where I'm sleeping. So, i got up to go to room and sleep on bed when something came under my feet i looked down and saw a wallet? I Picked up and it took me a second to recognize who's it is. I gifted him this and he still uses it. With that i opened it and saw my picture, he still have my picture in his wallet. I kept looking at it and cursing myself for hurting the guy who loved me this much. I kept his wallet aside and went to take a bath because now sleep is definitely gone.

It's around 12:25am in the night and whole day i have just sulked to myself. I'm sitting in Rahul's Jersey in between all the stuff that is now just a memory of Rahul and I's relationship and missing the time when these things were more that that. Just then i heard the doorbell, so i got up to see who it is.
I opened the door and found a very drunk looking Rahul, his eyes were all red and puffy, his nose was all pink. "I left my Wallet here" he said eyeing his Jersey which i was wearing and i let him enter the house "Yeah, i have kept it with me, wait am getting it" with that i moved to room to get it but Rahul followed me and saw all the stuff which was scattered on the floor "here, your wallet" "Why do you still have these things? Throw them away Ms. Singh you're getting married to another guy. You shouldn't have your ex's stuff and you shouldn't be wearing your ex's clothes " with that he took one of the cards he gave me and started tearing it "Rahul what the hell you doing. ? Leave it" i tried to snatch it from him "I'm helping you distroy the things which doesn't matter in your life , be thankful " i pushed him hard and took the card from his hand which was now in so many pieces
"See, what you did? I have given you your wallet now leave" i said with tears in my eyes"You can see the card is in many pieces what about my heart? Which is also in million pieces because of you" he shouted at me and held me with my shoulder and asked me
"Why did you leave me? Did you leave because of that guy? Did i do something wrong? " "No. You never did anything wrong. You were perfect it was me who had faults and who was lost, anyway i think you should leave Rahul" "That's your way Harshi, i'm hear to take answers so tell me why did you leave me? " he was so close to me that now i could feel his bteath on my face, his fingers pushed my curly hair behind "Why? " he whispered again and now i lost my control and pulled him in a kiss, it was rough, demanding in start but then it turned slow and sweet, the way our lips moved together pouring all the love we had for eachother when again Doorbell rang and i pushed him and left the room to see who it is? I opened the door to find Mayank and Hardik both
"Is he here? " Mayank asked his Voice was loud and angry i nodded and pointed at my room.
They both entered and i closed the gate behind and went after them, we entered the room and found Rahul passed out on my bed
"Why did you comeback? " Mayank asked me i didn't say
"You know how much he has suffered because of you? I request you no actually i order you to stay away from him because if he gets hurt one more time then i swear Harshita I'll kill you" said coming really close to me, i could feel the anger he has for me his body was radiating heat "Bhai, calm down. Lets take him back" Hardik said pulling mayank back. They both picked him and moved out "I didn't spend Days with him making him move on just to find him in your house for 2 days, Stay away" Mayank Growled and with that they left and i closed the door and cried my eyes out, i was crying like anything when Again doorbell rang, I wiped my tears and and opened the gate and found Hardik, he saw me for few seconds and then pulled me in for a hug and i cried, cried like a baby " That guy is my best friend but you are my sister and I know how much you loved him, i wont ask you why you did what you did? But please stop hurting him and as well as youself because i can't see two very important person in my life breaking like this" i didn't say anything just tightened the hug "Harry please Don't do this to yourself, i know you still love him" i broke the hug and looked at him"I think it's late Hardik You should leave" With that i closed the Door on his face.

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