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It's been three days since Rahul and I's argument. I tried calling him many a times but he didn't pick, i even called mayank who told me that Rahul is in practice. So, now I'm done calling him. Agreed i was wrong but he should have acknowledged my efforts of calling him but no he has to show me his ego. Fine then even i have my self respect so now i won't bother him.
I'm at his place only with simba and Bhavna. She called me in morning and asked me to go shopping with her which i gladly accepted and even asked her to invite Aashita. So, we are back from shopping and chilling at her place. "don't you dare call him Harshita, i know how many times you called. He's my brother but he's acting like a ruthless person " Bhavna said. I told both of them what exactly happened and then how many times i tried calling him but he didn't take my calls only "I agree with Bhavna. These guys think that only they can show anger. So, Harshita ignore him. Do it even when he is back. He should also get to taste his own medicine " Aashita said agreeing with Bhavna, just then Kiara came. After shopping we invited Kiara at Bhavna's place so that we can chill for sometime so she came but the someone else followed her and that was Ronit? "hey guys, sorry Ronit called me and asked about my plans and i told him. So, this asshole came here and brought Sinan also" Bhavna rolled her eyes" nothing new Kiara, they both just need an excuse to enter this house. Btw where is Sinan " "oh he's parking the car, and Bhavna this house is also mine and Sinan's. So, obviously we'll spend time here" "ohh.. How come? " i asked Ronit
"Because bhabhi ji, Rahul say we are brothers.. So, his house is mine as well" "he replied me and i threw a pillow at him which he catched laughing "stop denying Harshita, we all know that this is going to happen " Aashita said just then Sinan entered "yeah but that will only happen if these two stop fighting " "he told you guys " i asked Sinan "yeah he did, so stop fighting " "i agree i was at fault but now he's at fault. He's not replying to my texts or picking my calls" " yeah, so try a lil harder" Ronit said "no she won't, now if she really matters to Anna he'll contact her. "Bhavna said in my defence "Who's sister are you Bhavna? " "i don't care he's my brother. He's hurting my friend and i won't approve of that" which brought a smile on my face and moved to bhavna and hugged her tightly "Thank you baby" i said when Aashita and Kiara also joined us in hug "I'm so happy i finally got a girl gang " said Aashita breaking the hug "otherwise i was always stuck with these idiots " she completed her sentence pointing towards Both Ronit and Sinan who just rolled there eyes.
Whole week is over and Rahul didn't even try to call me and now I'm pissed. After Bhavna stopped me from contacting him i didn't even try but she even made me realise that i have tried enough  asking forgiveness and if he's ignoring it then he doesn't deserve it. But every now and then his face comes flashing in front of my eyes, the sound of his laughter comes in my mind,in short I'm missing him.

It's friday evening when Bhavna called me and asked me to come to her place with Kiara, even though I'm not really in mood because now it's  been 12 days since i actually had a talk with Rahul and I'm missing him but i still agree to go because Now she matters to me alot. I never knew that i can get attached to someone so easily that now i can't imagine making them feel bad.  Bhavna is like a sister to me now who shares every detail of her day with me, who gives me advice on guys even when the guy is her own brother. So this bond is special. Around 8:30pm we reached her place and i rang the doorbell and just for fun kiara kept pressing it longer and i was just laughing at a her kiddish behaviour when suddenly door opened and there stood the elephant of my thoughts from past week.  He looked at both of us"Kiara, are you a baby?  Anyways get in" he said all this to Kiara and didn't even spare a look at me. We both entered the house when Bhavna literally jumped on me and hugged me "Babyyy.. You're  here.  I missed you so much, let's  go to my room" i had a huge smile on my face now and has totally forgotten about Rahul not acknowledging my presence. When she finally broke the hug and we both tuned to go to her room we saw Rahul looking at us all shocked, his mouth was open and a question mark was clearly visible on his forehead "Anna my friends Harshiii and Kiara" Bhavna said this intentionally and Rahul looked at me and the closed his mouth and took a gulp but didn't say anything "Harshiiii..lets go babe"Bhavna said this again and now i was just controlling myself from bursting. We finally reached her Room and laughed my heart out and both Kiara and Bhavna joined me, the look on Rahul's face when he saw us so close and then Bhavna calling me"Harshi" was epic.  We know we have pissed him badly  but then who cares,  he's  ignoring me so he deserves this. When we finally calmed down i asked her when did he come  "oh in the morning" "You called us here just to show him no" kiara said "Obviously, the look on his face was priceless,  after so long i could finally piss him".
After 30 min there was a knock on the door and Bhavna called the person in and as soon as the person entered  i stood up and jumped on him "Harrrryyyyy... Fuck i missed you so much" Hardik was now holding my body which was clinging on him "not more than me Harry" he said making me stand "anyways,  why is this assholes mood off? "hardik asked us "Who asshole.?"i asked him when hardik hugged me from sid and stood "Your love Harry "he said for which i just rolled my eyes "I don't think you have met Chris Hemsworth till now" i said for which he gave me a weird expression before he could say anything Bhavna  cut him "Because he's a Asshole" "Oh that he is but why is he cribbing like a kid " "Don't  act all innocent Harry,  i know he must have told you" "well yeah Harry  he did tell me about your argument for which i would like to day such a dick move Haryy" he said a i backed away from him "I agree i said shit but after that i tried really hard to say sorry but he's just ignoring me" and then we told him my side of story too "Ohhh.. So now he's just eating Bhaaoo,  Anyway I enjoy getting him pissed can i join you guys? " Hardik asked and we agreed.
We were just sitting and talking when Harry moved to Kiara "We haven't met Properly beautiful. Hardik Pandya" he said extending his hand and both Bhavna and i looked at each other and rolled our eyes at typical Hardik and Kiara was blushing so hard and feeling shy but finally she gave in and took his hand.  "Harry stop irritating my friend" i said and both Kiara and Hardik gave ne looks and i just left them on their own.
After few minutes we heard lot of noice from outside so we four stood up to see what it is and it was nothing but fucking 'FIFA' "Are you guys crazy who yells like this for a video game? " Kiara asked when Ronit looked up and gave her a smile, "kiara is in demand" i say to myself but Bhavna heard it and laughed
"Heys Harshita why don't you join us? " Sinan said and before i could say anything i heard Rahul say a blunt NO "Yes,  I'll play. " i said ignoring Rahul's word and went to take a seat next to Sinan but before i could sit Hardik came and sat there "Are you serious?" i asked him "No I'm  Harry. Sirius is Dead" He replied and my inner Harry Potter fan couldn't resist it and i smiled "Saved by that Reference but i was going to sit there"i said and he patted on his lap "Sit here Harry. It's all yours" he said for which i was defeated by KL Rahul in responding "What? " and we all looked at Rahul who was looking at Hardik and i just loved his reaction so i removed Hardik's Hands from his lap and sat down and looked at Rahul with a smile who had his jaw so tight  biting his lips and looking at me angrily. Everyone was so quiet just looking at two of us when i broke the silence "Give me the remote. how will i play?" i asked Ronit  who was still looking at Rahul and gently passed me the Remote and we started playing when after few minutes Rahul stood up making everything fall from the table beside and left the room, again everyone was quite and i was smiling along with Bhavna.
"Let me see" Ronit stood up to go when Bhavna stopped him "Shut up and sit Ronit.  It's  not your place to go" she said looking at me and i got up and walked up to Rahul's Room. I knocked twice but no response so i pushed the door and entered, he isn't in the room i walked around his room to see and realised this is the first time i have come to his room.  His room was in gray and white colour from the walls to bedsheet every thing.  One wall he had all the photographs of his family and friends above which "People who matter " was written what really caught my eyes in that wall was my picture, a picture about which i had no clue. I'm looking really happy my curls are flowing with the air, this picture must have been clicked in Florida.
And after seeing this i was again back to guilt trip and turned to leave the room and find him when i noticed a shadow coming inside from balcony and i walked to balcony and saw him leaning against the railings looking at the stars looking angelic "I missed you" i said honestly  which grabbed his Attention "didn't seem like,  anyway leave" he said rudely
"I'm not going anywhere " "okay then i'll leave"he said walking by my side when i pushed him back
"what the fuck Rahul,  i told you I'm sorry,  i texted million times, called but you kept ignoring me"
"what the fuck is wrong with me? What the fuck is wrong with you?
I thought only i could call you Harshi, but now everyone is calling you that.  And what was that down there? There was whole lot of space in couch but you had to sit on his lap knowing __" i cut him in between by pulling him in for a kiss. I don't know how i got the courage but i kissed him. He looked so edible while whining that i couldn't resist but he wasn't responding to the kiss that's why i stopped and backed away turned to get out of room when he pulled my hand and snaked another hand in my waist and pulled me closer and kissed me. His lips were soft and gentle yet hungry, i smiled in between the kiss which was nothing less than magic and then felt him smiling against my lips.
I pulled him closer if that was possible and continued kissing him when he pushed me back against the glass slider and moved his lips from my lips to jaw.  Those kisses were torture on my skin as i wanted more "fuck.. Only i know how long i waited for this" i heard Rahul say in between the torture he was giving me and i chuckled and pull his face up for another kiss. 
"I'm sorry " i whispered
"I'm sorry too" he replied and kissed me again.

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