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Two months later

Alarm ringing

I put my head under the pillow trying to block the alarm clock. I'm not a morning person, infact i hate mornings. Aaahhh i want my sleep
As soon as i was about to drift back in my beauty sleep something else rang and i ignored it but now it's been 5 minutes and it's still ringing. I sit with a jolt and pickup the phone without seeing the caller.

"kya hai? " I ask with my eyes closed

" till now toh nothing, but if you don't reach here in next one hour chances are that this day will be your last in the company " as soon as i here Rohan say that i open my eyes and see the time.
It's freaking 9:30am but how? I set my alarm for 8 and it was ringing like only 5 min ago mannnn why?

" Aagghh.. I'll be there. But till then cover up " i said and disconnected the call

I got up took a bath and got ready in simple formal dress, applied minimal makeup and literally ran for my life. I have a meeting at 11:15 with a very potential client and if i don't reach there on time am certainly screwed.
I'm halfway to my office and here's the cherry on the cake, am stuck in traffic. It's been 10 mins and am stuck and I'm gonna loose my job today for sure.

I reach office at 11 :10 and run towards the conference hall. As soon as i reach there i see that clients are still not here and take a long breath and see Rohan smirking at me. I eye at him and ask " What? " "I knew you haven't read the mail" and with that he started laughing and i go ahead to check my mail and closed my eyes out of frustration " Rohan sapra you're dead". So basically the client meeting has been shifted to evening 4 O'clock and out of hurry i didn't check my mail.

" I would have died because of you asshole, I drove my car at the speed of light " with that i hit him Hard on his head and he's still laughing rubbing his head
" But man! Your face.. It was definitely worth it" and he continued laughing and i make a weird face at my stupid friend "My freaking life was worth this stupid joke of yours?" "Well, kind of yes " he says in between the laugh . And with that i left the conference hall.

It's one o clock and am busy with making cratives for some of our clients when my boss entered my cabin " Can we talk Harshita? " he asks with a smile
" obviously Vashisth. " I answered with a smile. Vashisth is the coolest boss out there, he's so fun to work a d he never let his employees feel the work pressure and honestly i look up to him alot, Vashisth sits opposite me and says " Harshu this client is so important for us , you know that right" "I know Vashisth, don't worry am sure we'll get the account " I answere trying to comfort him. Well he's right this client is pretty important for us as this company has grown so fast and had done so much for the Society that if we get this account we'll be earning lot of profit as well as helping the society. BringSmile is the company who's been doing lot for the society and now they want to spread the word and increase their services for the people for whuch they want to release an advertisement featuring some big Celebrity which can help in influencing people.
"You're sure na?" Vashisth asked
"Yes I'm " i answered not only to him but to myself as well


It's 8 in the evening and i have just come home from the meeting. BringSmile wanted us to give them a campaign idea to influence people to helo earth and society and i guess i have presented them with a full proof plan. Celebrity would be of their choice and rest of the campaign would be according to us. Meeting went well but now i just hope to get this Deal.

I freshen up cooked dinner and slept

**mobile ringing*
I woke up and saw Vashisth calling
"Are you freaking serious?, Its one o'clock in the night" I yelled at him

"We Got the deal, I just couldn't stop myself from telling you "

And my anger vanished

We Got the Deal..

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