Chapter 35

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Haechan put his phone in his pocket, looking at Renjun who began pulling book after book off the shelf of the demon section of the library.

"Take this." Renjun said, plopping a pile of books in Haechan's hands as he took another stack for himself. The two boys returned to their table, picking up a book each to read it over.

It was clear that the book in Haechan's hands hadn't been open in centuries, as dust immediately began filling the air as opened it up. Haechan blew on the papers, letting the dust create a cloud in the air. Haechan and Renjun immediately began coughing.

"Nice." Renjun said, waving the dust away with his hand.

"Like I had a choice." Haechan replied. He looked at the first page and groaned.

"Renjun, I can't read this, it's in your stupid witch language." Haechan told his friend. Renjun rolled his eyes, putting down the book in his hands.

"Pass it over." Renjun said, putting out his hands. Haechan picked his book up, passing it to Renjun. Haechan watched as Renjun took the book in his hands, eyes skimming the words before raising his eyebrows.

"What?" Haechan asked, leaning forward to look at the pages again. Renjun shoved his head away.

"You can't even read it." Renjun pointed out before putting the book down and flipping the page. The next pages showed sketches of some creature with the body, legs, and tail of a lion and head and wings of an eagle.

"What is that?" Haechan asked the witch, pointing to the sketch. Renjun pointed to the title of the page.

"It's a griffin. The 'witch language' stuff in the front was basically instructions on how to make it." Renjun told him.

"Make?" Haechan question. Renjun nodded his head.

"It had the steps listed out and everything." Renjun explained. Haechan gave his friend a look.

"Why would this be in the demon section though?" Haechan asked him. Renjun flipped back to the first page, skimming it over again.

"One of the steps requires creating a potion. One of the ingredients for this potion is a feather from the wing of a demon." Renjun informed him.

"What are the other steps?" Haechan asked, eyeing his friend.

"There's three steps. First you need to create the potion which has a lot of weird ingredients, including the demon feather, like the wing of an eagle, the tail of a lion, an eye of an werewolf, the beak of a phoenix, and the claw of a kitsune. The next step is a blood sacrafice from each of the creatures that you got the potion ingredients from. Lastly, you need a witch to chant the spell." Renjun said.

"That's actually kind of creepy." Haechan mumbled. Renjun nodded in agreement, flipping through the pages which had sketches of the potion ingredients and how the blood sacrafice was supposed to be completed. They ended on another page with a block of text, also in the Theban alphabet.

"This is the spell. It's literally five pages long." Renjun said. Haechan leaned back in his seat, crossing his arms.

"I don't get it though." Haechan said. Renjun glanced at him.

"What is there to not get?" Renjun asked.

"If there's a reciepe on how to create griffins, why don't they exist now?" Haechan pointed out. Renjun thought for a moment before responding.

"That's a good point. Why don't we look at some history books." Renjun suggested. Haechan groaned, dropping his head on the table with a thud.

"Not more books." Haechan mumbled into the table, making Renjun throw his head back in laughter.


"Jeno!" Jiwoo called out as she followed the male once the bell had rang, signalling of the end of the school day. Jeno ignored her, walking through the crowds of people.

"Oof." Jiwoo said, as she fell on the ground from bumping into a student. She looked up to see that it was werewolf Lower School Senior. Crap.

"Watch where you're going, faerie." The werewolf said, cracking his knuckles. Jiwoo really wanted to open a faerie door to escape, but rules were rules. No using supernatural powers inside the academy.

Jiwoo turned her head, bracing the impact of the werewolf's punch but it never happened. Jiwoo slowly opened her eyes to see the elbow of the werefolf held back by another student, grip tight enough to stop the werewolf from throwing his punch. A crowd had began to form around them.

"Are you seriously going to do this in the middle of the halls?" Jiwoo recognized the voice. Jeno.

The werewolf shook off Jeno's hand, turning to face him as he crossed his arms. "You think you're all mighty because you're the Alpha's son, but you almost got yourself killed at the hunt."

Jiwoo could tell that the werewolf had hit a soft spot as Jeno's hands balled into fists but she was surprised by his next actions.

"You're pathetic. You're just jealous because the agency doesn't want you. Come on, let's get out of here." Jeno said, helping Jiwoo up. He held tightly onto her wrist, dragging her through the crowd until they were outside of the academy, where he threw her arm down, spinning the girl around.

"Why are you stupid, picking a fight with a senior werewolf!" Jeno exclaimed, looking at her. Jiwoo but her hand on her hip, poking at his chest.

"Because of you, idiot. If you had stopped when I called you, I wouldn't have bumped into him." Jiwoo said, hitting his chest with her index finger, making Jeno grit his teeth.

"Stop poking me." Jeno said, grabbing her hand and pulling it behind his head. This only made Jiwoo stumble towards him, Jeno quickly grabbing her waist to stablize her, their face inches away.

Jiwoo stared into the Jeno's eyes before down at his lips and the next thing she knew, his lips were crashing against hers.


Yangyang sat in Cerberus, the same night club where he had his first solo mission. Sure enough, the siren he was tasked to follow was sitting inside the same bar, chatting with some faeries.

Yangyang was out of earshot, far enough away so that he wouldn't be noticed by him if Yangyang were to get up and leave, but close enough so that he had a good view of him.

"What's a pretty boy like you doing here alone." A female vampire cooed.

"Waiting for my girlfriend." Yangyang responded, crossing his arms over his chest as he glared at the vampire. He noticed the vampire's eyes flash red before returning black.

"Have a good night." The vampire snarled as she walked away. Yangyang focused back onto the siren, who was getting up to leave.

Yangyang quickly followed him, shaking his wrist with the silver bracelet to trigger the screen projected on his forearm. He tapped his skin, sending a quick message to Winwin.

The siren had definitely noticed Yangyang as he turned into a side street, away from the crowds, just as Yangyang had expected. He followed the siren, thankful that no one else was there.

"You're following me." The siren said, slowly turning around. Yangyang held his ground, staying silent.

"You think you're a match for me, young sprite?" The siren said, a sinister grin on his face as he made his way closer to Yangyang.

"Yeah actually, I do." Yangyang said and before the siren could open its mouth to sing, Yangyang kicked his head,the siren's eyes staring into his before falling unconscious.

"Your aim was a little off." Yangyang quickly spun around to see Winwin leaning against the brick wall, arms crossed. "A tad bit to high. If you were slightly lower, he would have been knocked out faster."

"Let's just get out of here." Yangyang said, picking up the passed out body of the siren and bringing it over to the faerie door that would take them back to the academy.


Did y'all see the nct life trailer? Jeno is so funny hehehe

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