Chapter 27

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Taeyong waved his phone in front of the agency leaders who were doing their own personal training in the training area... at least most of them were. Taeil was lying on the mat, resting when Taeyong entered. 

"Let's go, Haechan gave us the signal." Taeyong said, making Taeil sit up. He turned to face Doyoung with a wide grin on his face. 

"Now who was the one doubting my mentee?" Taeil happily asked the witch. 


That was nothing like Jaehyun had warned him. Renjun thought as he stared at the Devil. He had to admit, she was the creepiest creature he had ever seen, but her features were mesmorizing, power radiating from her body.

"Jaehyun doesn't know everything." The Devil said, surprising Renjun.

"I-" Renjun was cut off by her words.

"You don't need to say it out loud. You're facing the most powerful creature in the supernatural world, afterall." The Devil said, answering Renjun's question before he could even say it. "Also, I think there are better words that describe me than creepy."

"Then you know why I'm here." Renjun said, placing his hands on his hips. The Devil nodded before plucking a strand of hair from her head.

"I thought I had you fooled there, but you proved me wrong. Quite impressive, actually. I'd expected you to be decieved by my little trick for longer." The Devil said holding out her hand. The strand of hair sat in her palm, inches away from Renjun. He hesistated for a moment before taking it. He quickly placed in a small vial before placing the vial in his jacket.

"I normally make people suffer a bit more before they get what they want, but I'm feeling generous today." The Devil said, her eyes still staring at Renjun. Renjun couldn't help but shiver as he noticed his stare. The Devil surely was different from anything he had ever seen.

"I didn't know the Devil could be generous." Renjun snarled, making the Devil smile.

"Oh, I can be a lot of things." The Devil said, grinning from ear to ear. Renjun took a few steps back but the Devil was faster.

"Don't be scared Renjun, I'm not dangerous... to you." The Devil told him. She put her hands on his shoulders forcing the boy to stand still.

"Congratulations on completing your solo mission, Renjun." The Devil snickered before digging her sharp nails into Renjun's flesh.

The last thing he saw was the flames rising behind her figure before the world went dark again.


I could use a cup of coffee right now. Let's meet at this café.

Jeno sighed as he looked up from his phone, sharing at the large sign in front of him with the name of the café Chanwoo had suggested. He went through the doors, the bell ringing as he entered. He looked around to see Chanwoo already seated at a table in the far corner of the room.

"I'm with him." Jeno told the hostess at the front as he made his way towards Chanwoo. Chanwoo placed his menu down, smiling as Jeno took a seat across from him.

"Good morning!" Chanwoo said, his voice full of energy.

"Good morning." Jeno mumbled, picking the menu up. He heard Chanwoo let out a deep sigh before picking up his menu as well.

"Pick anything you want." Chanwoo told him.

"It's okay, I can pay for myself." Jeno replied, eyeing the coffee section on the menu.

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