Chapter 10

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Renjun sat in the corner as he watched Minjee and Naeun take their solo photos, the silver agency pin sparkling on their chest. Chenle sat beside him, smiling at his friends.

The leaders of the agency were obligated to stay and congratulate the two newest agents. Renjun had promised Winwin that they would eat dinner together, hence Renjun had to stay and wait with Chenle for the leaders to finish.

"Why do you hate Minjee?" Chenle asked as he noticed the elder glaring at the witch.

"We have bad history." Renjun said, looking away. Chenle clearly wasn't convinced.

"I'm not leaving until you tell me." Chenle said, crossing his arms. Renjun glared at him.

"Guess you'll be here all night." Renjun replied. Chenle glared at him back.

"Try me." Chenle said. Renjun sighed, knowing that when Chenle was set on something, there was no way to talk him out of it.

"Fine, but you can't laugh." Renjun said. Chenle immediately brightened up.

"What is there to even laugh about?" Chenle asked but immediately stopped talking at Renjun gave him a look.

"When we were both children, we were learning spells together. I wasn't that good and I was young, so remember that. The spell were were learning was to change the outer appearance of something. The thing is, when we were practicing, instead of turning the frog in front of me purple, I had turned Minjee purple instead." Renjun explained.

"So she hates you because you turned her purple?" Chenle asked. Renjun sighed.

"Well after that she turned me blue and we kept changing each other's colours until our parents separated us." Renjun said, looking up as he recalled the memory.

"Is that it?" Chenle questioned. Renjun shook his head.

"That kind of lead to a series of spell 'accidents' and pranks the entire time we grew up until well. One day I did a spell that wasn't reversible." Renjun confessed.

"What was it?"

"I cut her hair so it was shoulder length." Renjun told him.

"Yikes, she must have been upset." Chenle responded, knowing how sensititve girls could get with hair.

"Yeah, well she made me bald the next day." Renjun said, making Chenle laugh his signature dolphin laugh.

"Wow and that's why you two hate each other?" Chenle said.

"Yeah, before we came to the academy we always fought about who was stronger and smarter." Renjun finished.

"Wow, that's actually a pretty interesting story." Chenle said as he got up. Naeun and Minjee had finished their pictures.

"Yep." Renjun said, following him as they walked towards the leaders and the two newest memebers of the agency.


"Is this fitting really necessary?" Ten whined as he stuck his arms out for the tailor. He was getting measured for a suit for Seungmin and Jaehwa's wedding with the other leaders.

"Unless you can find a suit jacket that can conceal all our weapons, yes." Taeyong replied as he stepped down from the small platform. Ten gave him a glare in return.

"It's just a suit, Ten." Kun said as he put his bomber jacket back on. Ten sighed as he held his arms up, letting the tailor get his measurements.

"I just wanted to enjoy a wedding." Ten said to his friends.

"A wedding involving a royal means we need to be ready for anything, especially since it's between two different creatures." Doyoung said, joining his friends. He took off his jacket as he stepped up onto the platform.

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