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"As much as I love the view, everyone is waiting for us at the restaurant. You know how much I hate being late." I groan, as I follow Lucas up the the trail, in high heels. Why he thought this was a good idea, I have no idea. Knowing him though, he has a plan. If the past four years have taught me anything, it's to not underestimate my boyfriend. 

Lucas takes my hand, helping me walk up the rest of the trail. Luckily, it's a beautiful August afternoon, the sun is shining, and the ground dry from the summer months. "It will be worth it, I promise." he turns, giving me his signature smirk. 

"I'm not trying to be a brat, but the hanger is setting in. And this was not part of the plan Lucas. Not to mention, I'm wearing a dress and heels. We should be at the restaurant celebrating match day." 

"And we will. I mean after three years of living forty-five minutes apart, I'm stoked you're going  be back in your hometown for residency." He stops a few steps before we turn to get to our place. "Lorraine, I want to wake up next to you every day and come home to you every night."

I bite my lip, sigh and look into the eyes that belong to the love my life. "You know I want that too, but--" Showing him my bare ring finger, "as you can see, it's still naked." I tease.

"I know." his tone understanding, eyes twinkling, and smile bright and knowing. "I'm getting there."

I quickly glance at my watch, shifting on my feet. "I really don't mean to rush whatever this is, but we're going to be so late."

Chuckling, he pulls me into his chest. "We aren't going to be late." He kisses the top of my head. "Because everyone is just around that corner, waiting for us."

Flinging my head up to meet his gaze, I almost lose my balance at the whiplash. 

Gently touching my face, his confidence wavers slightly. An audible gulp escapes him. "I don't know why I'm so nervous, when I'm already ninety-ninety percent sure, you're going to say yes."

My eyes widen, my heart speeds up, and hope blooms in my chest. "Is it really happening?" I whisper.

He smirks, "it's happening."


Laughter blooms in his chest. "I haven't even asked yet, weirdo."

"Okay! Ask!"

Going down on his knee, Lucas pulls out a box from his pocket. "Lorraine, I lo--"

"Yes!" I screech.

"Woman! Will you let me ask?" He laughs.

 Pretending to zip my lips and throw away the key, I nod my head and like a bobble head. 

"Lorraine, I was hooked the first time we ran into each other on the sidewalk, and my fate was sealed when i walked you home from the library. I promised myself I'd be patient. I'd wait as long as you needed me to." his voice breaks. "We were both trying to find our ways back to ourselves. And I knew we both needed to love ourselves first before we could love each other. Watching you learn to love yourself and grow into a confident and independent woman, is one of the best things I've ever seen. And I can't wait for us to grow together." Opening the box, he reveals the one karat oval rose gold engagement ring. The summer sun reflecting off clear diamond is mesmerizing, but it's nothing compared to the love shining through Lucas' eyes. "Lorraine, will you marry me?"

I'm speechless, as I stare at this amazing beautiful man. Beautiful doesn't even cover it. His outward beauty is nothing compared to what's inside him. This kind, understanding, patient, loyal, selfless, and loving man wants me. Lucas Jones wants to me to be his wife. He wants to spend the rest of his life with me, all the good and bad parts of me. 

"Lorraine," he whispers, "this where you say yes."

"Oh yeah!" I shake my head out of my stupor. "Yes, yes, yes!"

Standing up, he delicately plucks the ring out of the box, takes my hand and places it on my finger. 

Wrapping my hands around his neck, I lean forward, our lips almost touching. "Okay, can you kiss me now?"   

"Oh, I don't know. We don't want to be late, everyone's wait--"

I cut him off with a light touch of my lips, but before I can pull away, his tongue lightly swipes the seam of my lips, deepening the kiss. "They can wait." I whisper breathlessly, before losing myself in the kiss once again. 


Finally pulling ourselves away from each other, we turn the corner and quickly meet everyone waiting for us.

"I'm engaged!" I scream when I'm met with all my favorite people; my parents, Lucas' parents, Cody, Caroline, Kristina, Mitch, and Becky all waiting patiently for us. 

"Took you long enough. Did you get lost in Lucas' mouth or something?" Cody teases, as he comes over and gives me a hug. 

"Cody!" my mom chastises. "Like you and Caroline haven't been caught doing worse?" she teases. 

"Okay, gross." I roll my eyes, before giving my mom a hug as well. 

"I'm so proud of you Dr Awesome. Getting matched at your first choice of residency, engaged to man worthy of you, and a whole great future ahead of you." she squeezes me so tightly I can barely breathe. 

"Laura, I think you can let her breathe now." my dad teases. "It's my turn to cut off her air supply with a hug." 

Pulling away, I catch my breath, before my dad gives me a hug. "Your grandpa would be so proud of you. I'm so proud of you. We all are. Love you, kiddo."

"Yeah, yeah, she's going to be a some big doctor and a married woman. Let's talk about the bachelorette party!" Caroline interrupts.

"Priorities." I tease. 

"We have time for that, Care. Now, let the three musketeers celebrate how amazing Lorraine is." Kristina says, pulling both Care and I into a big hug. 


After celebrating match day and our engagement with our friends and family, Lucas and I go back to my apartment and celebrate in our own way.

Laying my head on his chest, as our heart beats slow after our first lovemaking session since being engaged, Lucas lightly traces my arm with the pads of fingertips, goosebumps forming in his wake. "Have you started planning the wedding yet?" he murmurs in to my hair.

"What kind of question is that? Of course I have." I giggle.

"Good, because I have some ideas too." 

Turning my head toward him, I kiss his jaw. "Tell me more."

"I'm thinking we should get married next summer, right before you start residency." 

"Yes! Let's do it."

"Again?! You gotta give the guy some time to recoup." he teases.

I roll my eyes. "I meant the getting married next year."

He groans. "Roll your eyes again and I'm sure he'll be ready sooner."

Our laughter fills the room and I'm happier than I was even a a few minutes ago. That's how it is with Lucas, every second I become happier, and every day I love him even more and more. 

Can we just be married already?






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