Chapter 3

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All I can do is stare at the ceiling. Even though I should be getting ready to move back in for the semester, since the sorority house opens today. But, the pain in my chest refuses to go away while uncertain guilt eats away at me. These past few days, I've become inadequate. Aside from hanging out with Caroline, watching Netflix and eating as much ice cream as possible, I've done nothing.

This isn't me. I'm always doing something productive. How do I expect myself to move on, if I don't do anything?

I grab the pillow and scream into it. I need to stop putting myself down. My heart is broken, this is a normal reaction. If only I could fast forward through it, but that's not realistic.

I have a big day ahead of me. A list of everything I need to do runs through my mind.  In addition to moving back in, I need to prepare for classes tomorrow.  I have to get up.

Caroline barges in and leaps onto the bed. "Girlfriend! I know this bed is cozy, but it's not going to comfort you when you're freaking out later. What do you need from me?"

I rub my hands down my face. "I need a famous Caroline pep talk."

"Okay, you asked for it girlie! Classes start tomorrow and once you get out of this slump you are going to beat yourself up about not being as prepared as possible!" She claps her hands together. "So in order to prevent that from happening you need to get your ass out of bed!"

I look at her wide eyed.

"Was that okay? Did I go too far?"

I can't help but smile. "No, Care that was just what I needed."

"Great! I'll make some breakfast while you get ready. Then, I'll help you move in!"

I open my phone and get out my to do list.

-Move in
-Organize closet and drawers
-Pick up books
-Organize planner and schedule
-Label folders and notebooks
-Bed by 10:00

Okay, Lorraine, you got this!


The house is calm and quiet when we walk in. Not many people have started to move in yet. Care and I carry my things through the foyer, up the stairs to the left, and pass the lounge into my room for the semester.

I felt at home the second I saw the light grey house with the white french door. The place is big, but practical. Concrete steps start from the sidewalk before turning into a landing that leads to the front door. High ceilings, hardwood floors, and comfortable couches greet you immediately after walking into the foyer. To the left is the kitchen and study. Right of the foyer, is an entrance to the dining room and set of stairs.

The stairs lead to a small living room with rooms surrounding it. To the left there is a hallway with bathrooms on each side before reaching a lounge with tables, soft reclining chairs, and mounted TV. There's another hallway filled with bedrooms past the lounge. That's where my room is. 

Caroline lays on my bed scrolling through her phone. Nerves prickle my skin as I organize my closet. I'm not ready for the questions from everyone. What happened? How do you feel, are you okay?  Are you still talking to him?

Caroline shrieks, causing me to drop the clothes in my arms.

"XTINA!" Caroline jumps off my bed and launches herself into Krisitina's arms, both almost falling over in the process. Kristina is five foot seven worth of skin and bones, I swear no matter how much she eats, she doesn't gain a pound. 

"You know I hate that nickname." Kristina chuckles, smoothing out her long chocolate brown hair."

Caroline shrugs. "I'm excited to have our third musketeer."

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