Chapter 28

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Today officially marks the first day of winter break.

Lucas and I have been in a happy official relationship for almost 2 months and I am enjoying every minute of it.

We are meeting each other's families this weekend. We were going to for Thanksgiving, but my family ended up celebrating with my grandma a few hours away, because she is getting too old to travel.

So it was decided that we would celebrate the holiday together with each other's families.

I load up my car and wait before leaving. Caroline and I are riding back together because she is going to spend some of the break with us and our family, then Cody and her are driving a few towns over to spend time with her parents.

Kristina lives on the other side of the state, so she has quite the drive ahead of her, we didn't want to leave before saying goodbye.

We have finally left.

"I don't know why you're in such a rush to leave." Caroline says cheerfully, "we have time."

I roll my eyes. I made Care hurry up because she was taking forever and we still need to go the mall to pick up our Christmas gifts. I am dreading going because I know it will be busy considering it's the day before Christmas Eve, it's going to be a mess.

"It will be ok." She reassures me. "We will be in and out."


We finally made it to Cody's, after being able to be quick while we were at the mall. We divided and conquered when we got there. I only had to pick up my gift , since I already ordered it Lucas. Caroline and I brainstormed some ideas on the drive on what she could get Cody, because she is a last minute kind of person.  But I have a feeling she got him something awesome, she is a good gift giver.

My parents are insisting I stay with them over break.  My mom says she would miss me too much. And with Cody going with Caroline to visit her family, they don't want me to be here alone.

Tonight, though, my parents have a Christmas party with a few of their friends so I'm staying with Cody and Caroline. Which means pizza, beer and movies.

When I get to my room, I set Lucas' presents nicely on the dresser before changing into something comfy.

When I go into the living room, Cody already has the pizza and beer ready and he is finding a movie for us to watch.

We decide to be festive and watch Love Actually.

As I eat and watch the movie, I can't help but think of Lucas. What I feel for him is way more than I ever felt for Logan.

I love the way he laughs at his own jokes and how his face lights up when he sees me. I love and appreciate the little things he does for me, like filling up a glass of water for me before bed and leaving me little notes around my place for me to find.

Lucas makes me feel like I can be whoever I want to be and he will support me, no matter what.  I don't feel like I have to change for him, or compromise who I am to make him happy.

He is patient, kind, goofy and selfless.

And when I think about him, I think about what I can do to repay all of the support he has given me.

I think I'm falling in love with him.

But it's too soon, right?

Suddenly, my phone dings telling me I have a text message from Lucas.

Lucas: my nose is itchy. Stop thinking about me. 😉
Lorraine: You wish.
Lucas: I was thinking of you, too. Text me when you wake up tomorrow. I'm making you breakfast.
Lorraine: you can cook?
Lucas: If it comes from a box, yes.

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