Chapter 19

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We enter the crowded bar filled with already drunk people. Cody and Colton have been pregaming. I volunteered to drive. These two go big for their birthdays so I can only imagine the shenanigans that will happen tonight.

We were lucky there were a few tables opened that we were able to put together to fit us all. Colton has a lot of friends, so we couldn't all fit at the table.

I was standing around the table, when Colton pulled me down onto his lap. I couldn't stop my blushing. Then he gave me a little peck on the cheek while he hugged me tightly.

I was having a lot of fun. I got along with all of his friends pretty well. No one seemed to mind the little bit of PDA that Colton and I were showing.

At first, it was innocent, little kisses here and there, rubbing my leg lightly, holding hands, that sort of thing.

However, as the night went on, he became more drunk so the PDA turned into sloppy kisses and slurred compliments. It didn't bother me though, it was his birthday and he was having fun.

It was 12:30, and I was getting tired. Knowing these guys, we will be out until bars closed. I decided I need some caffeine.

I walk up to the crowded bar and order a Coke. This bar usually gives free sodas to designated drivers.

I get my drink and turn away from the bar to head back to the table. As I am making my way back to the table someone bumps into me causing me to spill my drink a little.

Even though I am annoyed, I try my best to be polite, "I'm sorry." I don't look up as I am focused on getting back.

"Well at least she apologizes for something."

I heard the familiar voice and inwardly cringe.

I look up and I am face to face with a very drunk and angry Logan.

"I am going to head back to my group." I say softly trying to avoid a scene.

He grabs my arm, not aggressively, but as a plead. "Wait, I'm sorry." His face falls, "it's just I didn't think I would see you so soon." He slurs. "And with him." The disgust is clear in his voice.

I pull my arm away gently, "it's okay." I look at him warily. He is swaying and he looks at me dazed.

"Maybe you should get some water." I say looking around to try and find who he was here with. "Who are you here with?"

He doesn't answer, just looks at me.

"Logan." I say trying to get his attention.

"Sorry, you're just so beautiful." He says softly.

"And you're drunk." I retort.

"I miss you."

"And on that note, I am going to leave. Be safe, Logan."

His mood changes back into anger, "you really think that is going to work out?" He says pointing over at Colton.

I freeze. I know I should just walk away, but I can't. I am pissed.

"Excuse me?!" I say back, "you don't get to say anything to me about what I do or who I see." I fold my arms and shake my head. "You are despicable, you made your bed, you need to lay in it."

I take a deep breath trying to calm down.

"You really think that fucker is going to treat you right?" He says with venom in his voice as he points in Colton's direction. "Look at him, he has women flocking to him."

I look over and see Colton talking to some other girls in the bar.

"I trust him." I firmly respond. And I believe it.

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