Chapter 7

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Kristina and Caroline sit on my bed waiting for me to say something as I pace the room in silence. Logan will be here in fifteen minutes, and I'm second guessing everything.

My friends did an amazing job of bringing out my natural beauty with some light makeup. Kristina picked out a white silk blouse with a tan cardigan and black jeans. Caroline added the final touch of a gold necklace, and I'm technically ready for dinner with Logan. My hair, makeup, and outfit are all complete; however, mentally and emotionally I'm not ready. "Okay ladies, I'm going to need a pep talk."

"Don't put too much pressure on yourself," Kristina says.

"Exactly!" Caroline points at me. "You're not the one who has something to lose. He does."

Kristina adds. "Just remember the purpose of tonight. You said it yourself, you're giving him an opportunity to explain himself."

"Right, so I don't need to let my thoughts spiral with what if's and what to do's," I say more to myself than to my friends.

"Amen, girlfriend!" Caroline says.

The doorbell rings.

"Lorraine, someone is at the door for you!" Becky yells from downstairs.

I'm about to leave until my friends stop me. "Lorraine, wait," Kristina says. "Whatever happens, we'll be here for you. No matter what he says tonight, good or bad, just remember that you're amazing and you have good instincts. Trust them."

Caroline adds. "Just so you know though, we're coming downstairs with you and we're bringing the sass."

We walk down the stairs and a few girls are sitting in the foyer watching the front door. None of them let Logan in. I glance around, confused.

"We thought we'd make him sweat," Becky says with a smirk.

Opening the door, my heart skips a beat. One hand runs through his hair, while the other holds flowers. The corners of his mouth turn up to form a small smile.

"Hi, Lorraine."

"I'll take those, thanks." Caroline pushes past and snags the flowers from Logan. "Nice gesture, but they're not my favorite."

He's too busy staring at me to react to what she said. "Lorraine, you look absolutely beautiful tonight."

"She always looks beautiful," Kristina says in a snarky tone.

He clears his throat and continues what he was trying to say. "Right. Lorraine, I just want to say thank you so much for letting me take you on a date tonight to explain everything."

Becky interrupts. "Not a date, dude."

Logan stands in the doorway, shifting on his feet. I turn and take in the wonderful women I call my friends, giving him the dirtiest of looks.

I can't fight a smile, and clap my hands together. "Right, should we get going?"

He brings his gaze back to me and smiles. "Yes, of course."


Logan barely says a word on the way to the restaurant. The only sounds I hear are his fingers tapping on the steering wheel, him clearing his throat, and the soft music on the radio.

It doesn't change too much when we get to the restaurant. We exchange awkward conversations about his internship and my classes as we eat.

Near the end of the meal, I feel his eyes burning a hole into me. "I know I already said this, but you're beautiful, always. You're kind, funny, passionate, loyal and..."

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