Chapter 25

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I stare at the text message for the fiftieth time today.

Lucas: I'm taking you out to dinner tonight. Pick you up at 7:00.

Okay, so is this a date? I mean it has to be a date, right?

I've been having this debate for probably the last hour.

We go out to dinner together all the time, so this isn't a date.

But what if it is? I really hope it's a date.

Lucas and I have been doing the hanging out and kissing every now and then thing. But, we have yet to officially go out on a date. The first weeks of school were busy with classes starting, recruitment for the sorority and getting used to the routine.

We still made time for each other, but, no date.

And I've been waiting.

I mean it's September already!

I want to go on a date with Lucas, so bad. I'm anxious about it though.

"Don't worry so much." Caroline chimes in, causing me to stop trying to analyze the text message.

We are all in the living room. Kristina and Caroline are sitting on the couch while I pace.

"I don't know how to act!" I say frazzled.

"It's not like you haven't been on a date before." Caroline says.

I haven't been on a date date since Logan. I mean Colton paid for my dinner that one time. But that doesn't count

"Yeah, when I was like 16." I say panicked. "This is different."

"It's 4:00." Kristina says, "you have plenty of time to get ready." She takes deep breaths and encourages me to do so too.  "We will help you." She offers. "It's Lucas, we both know you're going to enjoy yourself regardless." She says with a smile. A smile that's filled with understanding and patience.

"Okay, but if it's a date." I start, "what do I wear? How do I act?" I ask but get no response, mainly because they know it's rhetorical.

"Why don't you just ask him if it's a date?" Kristina offers.

"That would be too logical." I respond sarcastically.

That did cross my mind, but I am afraid of the response being no. Even though he has made it clear how much he likes me, I still have doubts. Doubts that are invalid, but my anxieties get the best of me sometimes.

I join them on the couch.

"Do you want to role play?" Caroline asks wiggling her eyebrows.

I sit up straight, shocked at what she just asked. "I'm sorry, what?!" I ask surprised.

She rolls her eyes playfully. "Get your mind out of the gutter!" She teases. "I meant do you want to practice on how to act tonight?" She offers.

"I'm okay." I deny her generous offer.

"Okay..." she teases. "It's just make sure you bring your wallet just incase! I mean how embarrassing would it be if you forgot and he was expecting you to pay half of it."

I freeze. "Oh my gosh!" I say alarmed. "Do you think that will happen?!"

"No." Kristina eases my fears instantly. "Caroline! Why did you say that?!" She asks giving Care a pointed look.

"I'm sorry..." she says regretfully. "Was that too far? I was just teasing you, because this is clearly a date." she says obviously, "and you know that guy adores you!"

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