Chapter 27

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"Well..." I say after putting on my costume. "How does it look?"

Lucas smiles before answering. "Wow. You look... tasty."

I roll my eyes.

"I love it when you roll your eyes at me." He smirks.

"Well, lucky for you, I do it a lot." I quip back with a smile.

We make our way into the living room to meet everyone else.

Caroline is taking a sip from her drink when she sees us. She chokes on her drink a little before laughing. "What in the hell are you two wearing?"

"I love it!" Kristina says clapping her hands in delight when she sees our couple's costume.

Lucas and I are dressed as bacon and eggs. Lucas is the egg, while I am the bacon. I've never been one to dress up in any risqué costumes for Halloween. Which Lucas knew, hence why he chose this little number, and I love it.

"Well, I must say Lucas, you look 'eggselant'" Cody says coming out of Caroline's room to join us.

"Keep 'em coming." I say trying to let everyone get it out of their system.

"Lorraine, you don't need to be so crispy." Cody retorts.

"Lorraine, you're looking kind of greasy" Caroline chimes in.

"Are you sure that's what you want to wear?" Kristina asks, "Lorraine, you're going to be sizzling."

"Why are these all directed towards me?! Lucas is dressed as an egg!" I say defensively as I gesture toward him.

"They can't do it with me." Lucas chimes in. "It would be too easy. Or should I say 'over easy'"? He says lifting an eyebrow.

"That was terrible." I tell Lucas before all of us start laughing.

"Ok, enough of that." Caroline says shutting it down. "Let's get drunk!"

"I'm going to stay sober tonight." Kristina says. "That way I can DD."

"Are you sure?" I ask. "drunk Lorraine has been out quite awhile lately, I don't mind taking a break." I offer.

"Nope!" Kristina reassures me, "I am in the mood to laugh at ridiculous drunk people and remember it." She smiles.

"What about you, Lucas? You drinking tonight?" Cody asks offering him a can of beer.

Lucas nods and grabs the beer from Cody.

"I've never seen you drunk." I say remembering the few times we have been out together. He has a beer or two, but never more.

"Well, if we are meeting up with Mitch, I more than likely will get drunk. We seem to egg each other on." Lucas says.

Haha 'egg'.

"I'm a pretty affectionate drunk, so watch out girlfriend." Lucas says while poking me in the side.

I actually cannot wait to see Lucas drunk. Is it weird to be excited about that? I get to see a side of Lucas I haven't seen before. It's going to be fun!

We decided we would try and get pretty drunk before heading to the bars in the hopes that we don't have to spend too much money. Which could turn out in one of two ways. We get drunk here, go to the bar and don't drink any more or at least very little. Or we get drunk here and drink a whole bunch more at the bars and end up barely functioning. I am hoping it's the former.

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