Chapter 17

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I've officially made it through this long and stressful week. I am excited that it's finally done!

I exit my last class of the week and do a little happy dance.

"I'm so happy I didn't miss that." Lucas jokes as he approaches me.

"I didn't expect to see you here." I say laughing.

"I wanted to give you a reward for getting through the week!" He says as he hands me some ice cream.

"You're the best!" I say as I start scarfing it down.

He smiles, "well I figured since you helped me celebrate my test last week, I would do the same."

"You are the best!" I say as I sit down on a bench in the hallway.

"I already know that." He says smugly while he joins me on the bench. "But coming from you is even better." He playfully nudges me.

"What are your plans this weekend?" I ask.

"Not sure yet." He says after swallowing a bite of ice cream. "When are you heading out?"

"I'm already packed, so I was going to leave in the next hour or so." I respond. "I'm not really in a rush though, we aren't going out to the bars and such to celebrate until tomorrow night."

"What are you guys doing tonight then?" he asks, just making small talk.

"Not sure." I shrug. "My parents most likely will want to see me. I'm staying at Cody's though." I explain. "I love my parents, but it's easier to stay with my brother because otherwise my parents are constantly wondering where I am and when I will be home."

He laughs. "My parents are like that, too. They don't give me a curfew or anything, but they want to know when I plan on being home. My dad likes to be up when I get home."

My eyes widen. "So say you won't be home until like 2, he stays up that whole time?!"

"No," he chuckles, "but he does set an alarm and checks to make sure I'm home."

He sees my expression.

"I told you, they are a little overbearing." He states, but you can tell it doesn't bother him.

We finish our ice cream and he walks me back to the house.

"Have fun this weekend!" He says genuinely.

"Will do! I'll text you!"


I make it to Cody's house around 5:00 and let myself in. Walking in the house I'm met with Cody and Colton yelling at each other, while playing video games. The house looks a little nicer now that there is actual furniture, compliments of me, from when I helped him over break.

"Hey sis!" Cody says not looking up from his video games. "Are you ready to party hardy this weekend?"

"Oh, you know it!" I respond sarcastically. "What's the plan tonight?" I ask as I join them on the couch sitting in between the two of them.

Colton pauses the game. "Well, it's my birthday weekend so I decided that we are going out for dinner." He says, looking at me.

"Sounds good to me! Where are we going?" I ask, addressing both of them.

"I don't know where you're going." Cody says to me. "I conveniently already have plans." He says dramatically, "isn't that right, Colton? That's what you wanted me to say?" Cody says teasing Colton and throwing him under the bus.

I laugh to hide my nervousness. "Oh, so it's just me and the birthday boy?" I say as I smile at Colton.

He gives my brother the evil eye, "well, your brother obviously blew my cover." He looks at me returning my smile with twinkling eyes. "Dinner with just the two of us, okay with you?" He asks hopefully.

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