The Woman Who Fell In Love With Alucard

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     Alucard was going on a midnight stroll under the beautiful illuminated moon. He always enjoyed walks like this with a devious smile on his face like always. While walking it was a woman who was running and smashed into Alucards chest. She had on a pink t shirt that was torn almost exposing her breasts and a white long skirt that was torn on the side, her hair was filled with dirt making her look like a dirty blonde. She was crying her little green eyes out. The men that were chasing her caught up, she hid behind Alucard gripping his red jacket.

     "There you are, sweet cheeks, " One man said with a perverted look on his face.

     "Yea, why don't be nice and hand yourself over to us and let us have our way with ya." Another one said.

     She gripped Alucards jacket tighter.

     "You humans are disgusting," Alucard said.

    "Aye, what did he say?"

    "I don't know but he's got the wrong guys to mess with."

    "That's enough mates." An Australian accent voice said.

    A man with shoulder length brown hair, walked towards Alucard and the girl smoking a cigar. He had different clothing then what you would see in London.

    He took his hands out of his pockets showing a gun, "Why don't you just hand the bitch over mate?" He said.

     Alucard smirked, "Hmph." He grabbed her by the hair and threw her to them, "I have no use for her."

     They caught her and were tearing her clothes off, she wasn't screaming, she just had sorrowful eyes. What exactly did these men do to her?

    "Good boy, mate," He turned around, "I knew you'd....."

    Alucard shot at him three times.

    "Hey mate, you missed," He grabbed Alucards collar, "What in the bloody hell do you think you're doing, mate?"

    "I might have missed you," He pointed, "But I didn't missed your men."

    The silent girl looked around and saw her predators were dead.

   "You basta...."

   "And I won't miss again." Alucard forced his whole arm through the man's chest.

   "Aaaaah, bloody hell." He died and then was shot in the head by Alucard.

    The woman scurred towards Alucard and fell to her knees. She grabbed his hands and was bowing, thanking him.

     "Why aren't you talking?" He wondered.

    She smiled at him, her front tooth was chipped.

    "Tell me, did those men do all of this to you?"

    She nodded while smiling.

     Why does she smile after experiencing that event? "Well, you can go back to your home, they're dead."

     He turned around and walked away, she ran up to him and hugged him.

    "What are you doing, girl," He squirmed, "Let go of me."

    She shook her head no and held him tighter. He pushed her away, "Go to your home, do not trail me, puppy."

     She looked as if about to cry. Nevertheless did she give up though, when he walked away she followed. He knew she was following him so he sped up and so did she. He was aggravated with her, he turned to her and growled showing his sharp teeth. She bagged away and smiled. Her smile mad him angrier, he pleaded for her to go away and she wouldn't. He sighed, humans, and walked back to the Manor.

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