Disclaimer And More

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Hey So_Kawaiiiiii_ here yes the book has ended and some of you are like NOOO. But yes the book has ended and now it's time for disclaimer...... and I probably should've put this in the very beginning or at least the description but um yea. I don't own Hellsing or Hellsing Ultimate, I only own the oc character's (the character's you never heard of in the real story). I did try to stay within the storyline and add my own little spice but I don't own the real storyline. Please forgive my bad grammar because I didn't bother to check twice before publishing certain chapters. Forgive my language and timing with the chapters like today I just decided to finish the last chapter. Hopefully for future books I write it won't be like that.

Hmm....I nothing else to say but  hope you've enjoyed reading and So_kawaii_ out.

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