A Vampires Lullaby; The Battle To Save London Part 4

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      Alucard and Walter were still fighting, except Walter was having some trouble because Alucard was persistent and could regenerate himself. Walters' young body was limiting his fighting skills, he managed to use Alucard's blood hound as a puppet. Alucard managed to destroy it by killing Luke Valentine, which happened to be eaten by the hound.

      Walter kept using his wires to destroy Alucard's limbs but they weren't working. He used another strategy in which Alucard became trapped. Alucard's limbs were torn once more, followed alone with a dangling torso on Walter's web.

     Walter's hair came out of a ponytail and his eyeglass fell to the ground before he did. Coughing up blood he murmured something then grabbed a broken pole. He walked towards Alucard.

    "The heart, I have to get his heart!" He said as he stabbed Alucard in the chest with the pole. "What the hell this isn't him!" Walter said with a surprised and disappointed look. "Dammit."

    Alucard, which transformed himself into a random woman, grabbed Walter's shoulder. "Are you perturbed that he wasn't me nor my heart?" He laughed. "I don't kill off easily."

    Alucard punched Walter in the face extremely hard and made him fall to the floor. "Get up, traitor. Don't tell me you're going to die with a little punch such as that?"

    Walter held his nose, "Shut up, you." Blood running down in between his fingers.

     The blimp started exploding in different areas. Walter was stunned by the scene.

     "Hahaha! Beautiful isn't it, master and servants tearing through Nazi vampires. Do you see what your major has caused?! Any last request?" Alucard excitingly asked.

       Integra, Seras, and I were heading to the main part of the blimp where the Major would be hidden. Vampires came down the dark halls of the blimp trying to shoot at Integra. Luckily Seras was ripping through them like paper and I was catching each gun that was discarded by flying limbs and shooting them with their own weapons. Seras and I were so fast, our after images were creating illusions of us fighting each other.

      One vampire managed to get through us and tried to kill Integra. But she's a bad ass so she cuts his body in half. One vampire was laying on the floor taunting Seras as she kills him. The vampire seemed to be smiling.

      "Why do they smile?" I asked.

      "They came down the halls to seek their eternal death." Integra answered.

      "If they desire to be dead, then why not stake yourself, jump into a pit of fire, oh a smart idea..not become a vampire at all?!?!" Seras screamed.

      "I agree with you." I added.

      "You name it sound so easy, my dear." The Major said through the intercom. "We seek a worthy opponent to tear us down. To test ones power, we are not eager to die-" He was cut off by my rude intrusion.

      "Hehehe...you have no damn clue about your subjects. They are down here dying with smiles on their faces!! What makes you think you would know anything about having a desire to die, when you yourself are afraid of it. A coward is what you are. Your men are tired of having nothing else to lose. They are like children seeking their mother in the cold dark rain."

      "Alisis..." Seras said nervously.

      "I suggest you speak for yourself in not having eager towards death." My last words.

      A shadow came out of the dark at the end of the hallway. The Major just laughed at my words.

      "We'll see about that." And with that he left.

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