My Tearsoaked Heart *{47}*

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I didn’t understand what she meant but dismissed it as she snatched the phone from Ashton.

Pressing the on button, tapping her finger on the screen a few times before freezing over as they both stared at the phone.

Standing opposite to them I couldn’t see it’s contents and just when I was about to ask to look Lisa started crying as I watched as the phone begun to slip from her fingers.

Acting fast I caught it before it hit the floor, confused as Ashton wrapped his arms around the crying girl and I hesitantly glanced at the phone myself.

I think you should come here soon. Rose looks quite uncomfortable.

The anger started to rise quickly within me as I looked at the attached picture of Rose tied up to a chair, unconscious as her head hung limply.

Remember the run down church from the orphanage? If you don’t come here within 3 hours I’ll kill her. Oh, and don’t call the police, it’ll make me very angry and murdering sweet innocent teenage girls is the best way to relieve that anger.

Just as I finished reading that message another one appeared and I clicked on it with shaking hands as I fumed with anger.

Be prepared, it’s either you her or that will die tonight.


                                           ~ { Chapter 47 } ~


My eyes felt heavy as I tried to force them open, my head spinning dangerously that I thought I would pass out again. Closing my lids tighter together I attempted to deal with the dizziness first, taking deep breaths through my parched lips as I tried to ease the migraine running through my head.

After a long few minutes of breathing I finally got the dizziness stabilised as I slowly opened my eyes, glad that the room was dimly lit as the single light near the door was already enough to burn my eyes.

Going to rub my eyes I found my arms constricted and I glanced down at myself, gasping as I realised I was tied painfully to a chair, the roughness of the ropes digging into the skin of my wrists and ankles.

Giving up after a moment of trying to free myself I stared down at the ground, trying to think of why I was there.

Memories of previous events flashed through my mind and I flinched, suddenly remembering Daniel and the cloth as well as that unknown man I had seen before. They had kidnapped me, but why?

“Hello! Is anyone there?!” I shouted weakly, my throat parched and I tried to clear my throat in aims of easing the burning sensation in my throat.

Slow, heavy footsteps alerted me of company and I sat straighter, fear running through me as I waited for the person to open the door.

The sound of keys jingling echoed within my mind that only increased the panic in my system, struggling in my spot again but it was too late. The door barged open and there stood the very man I had seen at the restaurant, with Daniel standing directly behind him.

“Well I see that Sleeping Beauty has decided to wake up,” the man commented with a large nasty grin, making me internally flinch. In reality though I kept silent which seemed to phase him.

“Welcome, I hope you feel comfortable. You’re going to be here for a while.”

Again, I remained quiet and this time the sudden anger showed on his face. Crossing the short distance between us he grasped my chin with his hand, forcing me to look up at him as he glared down at me.

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