My Tearsoaked Heart *{20}*

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       ~~ Chapter 20 ~~

The next day went quickly and thank god for that since no one loved working on Fridays. It was the end of the day, still in last period as Mr Edmund told us we had no homework since we had camp on Tuesday which had gotten everyone into high spirits. 

The bell rang and as everyone left I walked over to Mr Edmund who was organising the mess of papers on his desk.

“Hey Mr Edmund I’m sorry if this is late notice but I can’t come to the camp,” I told him sadly and was genuinely upset that I couldn’t go.

I heard him chuckle and I looked up at him, “You don’t need to worry Rose. Everything is sorted out and you WILL be attending the camp with the rest of your class,” he smiled at me and my confusion grew.

“What? How?” I trailed off, puzzled and he stopped organising his things and straightened up to talk to me properly.

“Matthew told me that Mr Gray was your temporary guardian. He called the school and they told us it was absolutely fine. Everything has been sorted out; you don’t need to worry Rose.”

I thought about his words for a few seconds. Matthew had sorted this out for me? When had he done that?

I turned my gaze from my brown boots back to him, “When did Matthew tell you about this?”

He thought for a moment before answering, “On Monday, just before lunch started.”

I contemplated his words and putting the pieces together. Monday lunch was when I had the fight with Daisy… maybe he had missed the whole fight?

“How much of lunch did it take?” I asked quickly.

“About ten minutes at the latest.” That would explain why he had missed most of the fight, maybe all of it though he couldn’t have missed all of it if he had stopped my punch. Maybe that’s all he saw, me about to punch Daisy.  

I slapped my forehead and groaned, I had just misunderstood the situation if it was true. I didn’t let him explain and instead screamed at him…

I groaned again, “I’m such a b*tch!” I thought mentally before thanking Mr Edmund and leaving the science lab and making my way towards my locker, thinking about how stupid I was.

Though he was still a jerk yesterday when he didn’t stop his girlfriend from kicking me in the ribs. Then again the reason he was angry at me was because of what had happened the night at Lisa’s house and I had basically screamed at him for a reason that was untrue.

“Wow this is hurting my head,” I muttered, locking my locker and walking out of the school’s front doors and into the parking lot to find Lisa standing by her car.  

Since the ride was quiet I decided to tell her everything about the situation from the fight during lunch with Daisy to the scene yesterday. It was all too confusing to keep to myself and I knew I could trust her with my life.

She listened carefully, thinking as I told my little novel and by the time I had finished we had reached my house, well temporary one.

She turned of the engine and swivelled in her seat to look at me; giving me the look to listen carefully or there is going to be big trouble, “You’re right. I went to scream at him that afternoon in the car park for messing with my girl when he told me that he saw you about to punch Daisy. I showed him the video of the whole fight that Lauren sent me and he said he didn’t know and that he would apologize. Apparently this hasn’t been resolved, I wonder why,” she gave me a pointed look and I groaned again, feeling really stupid and foolish.

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