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【ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴇʟʟ ᴍɪʀʀᴏʀs ❴ᴘᴀʀᴛ ғᴏᴜʀ❵】

Just a little warning.... I suck at writing fight scenes...


"You...Are you?...."


The said boy turned around, only to be seen covered with black feathers as the former third mystery was left only as bones.

"You...How?" Kou asked in disbelief as he slowly approached his deceased friend. Mitsuba flinched when the boy got closer.

"I mean...I thought... You were gone for good..." Kou clenched his teeth, a teary grin soon appeared on his face. "Mitsuba! You're okay? You're not hurt or anything, are you?!"

Mitsuba only stared at him as he then grabbed his claw hand. "Why is your hand like that...? What's wrong?"

"What happened to you?"


Hanako stared at them from a far. He then noticed the pile of bones behind the pink haired boy. "Is that..? Don't tell me- No. 3?" His golden yellow eyes widened in horror as he began to yell towards Kou. "KID! GET BACK!"

"Huh?" Kou look back towards Hanako, just then a force made him bounce backwards. He quickly gripped his spirit staff. "Where did that come... From...?"

A skeletal shadow hands appeared behind Mitsuba as Kou looked at him. The shadows were actually the pink haired boy's scarf. "Mitsuba?"

"N-no! I'm s-scared...H-help me..." Mitsuba whimpered.

The hands attacked Kou. But luckily, Hanako was faster. He appeared infront of Kou and deflected the attack with his knife. The male seventh mystery smirked. "He's suprisingly quick."

Hanako slashed it in a heartbeat. He quickly went to Kou's aid as pieces of the skeletal hands fell around them. "You okay, Kid?!"

"Uh...yeah..." Kou answered. He then noticed the movements on the water. "huh?"

Kou's eyes widened. "HEY, BEHIND YOU!"

Hanako turned around only to be picked up by the same shadowy hand scarf that he slashed. He was then slammed against the mirrors on the wall.

"HANAKO!" Kou tried to run towards him but he was also slammed down on the floor by another shadowy hand.


Mitsuba could only watched the entire chaos in regret. "Uh...I'm..I'm sorry...

Stop....Stop it..."

"Mitsuba..." The pink haired boy freezed when he felt Tsukasa next to him. Holding the unconcious Hatsume bridal style. "Did you finished eating?"

Tsukasa the felt Mitsuba hid behind his back as Hanako finally noticed him.

"Wh-what're you doing here...Tsukasa...?" Hanako asked, sweating bullets. He then noticed Hatsume in his brother's arms and gritted his teeth. "W-what did you do to her?"

Tsukasa stared at his older brother for a few minutes, and his expression brightened. He quickly pushed the sleeping Hatsume into Mitsuba's arms and glomped Hanako. "AHHHH! Long time no see! Amane!!"

Hanako froze as Tsukasa clinged unto him tightly. "Just a- Come on,Tsukasa... Listen to me..."

"Amane, Amaneee!" Tsukasa ignored him and kept on nuzzling his head against his neck.

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