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Hi Dreamers :)

Long time no write. It's been three years since I have written this story. Trust me, I never ever forgot about this novel. I'm sorry to leave you hanging for so long, and who knows if the readers are still out there.

If you are, hi! I want to apologize for leaving without an explanation and leaving the book as a cliffhanger (absolute nightmare).

Real life got the best of me and I had a personal journey in my own character development, so I hope you understand.

Now, I am back to say that I am rereading my chapters and getting into the mindset of Username 1. As I had mentioned before, this book came to me in a dream and a lot of the chapters were inspired by dreams that I have in real life.

So here's to another, start.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2020 ⏰

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