16 - Monster

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As the bus began to move, I plugged my ears up with the earphones. A soft melody played with a voice that sounded sad.

Way to make me depressed while I already I am.

But for some reason, the voice was soothing at the same time. Several minutes passed and I remained still. The soft breathing from Winter could be heard next to me and I did my best to take his advice on the four, seven, and eight breathing technique.

More time passed and I was still wide awake. Of course I kept my eyes closed so nobody knew I wasn't sleeping because, obviously, you would get in big trouble. I didn't need more than I already had.

Through the earphones, I heard some shuffling. Then, it grew louder. Louder and louder until I felt something crawl under my armpit and around my arm like a snake. I scowled, but I kept my eyes closed.

Was it an animal? A dog? Night?

Fear grabbed ahold of my throat. The creature's fur was hard like thin, metal cables and I could hear its heavy breathing through the song I was listening to on repeat.

As sudden as the creature had appeared, it began to make a lot of awful noises. It started with a choking and gagging sound.

"Awake! Awake! She's awake!" It gurgled. Its voice was as if somebody had brushed its teeth with an awful lot of thick soap. My heart pounded against my ribs.

Was I in trouble now? Was Vince going to turn me into the doctor?

I could hear the creature's horrendous gags near my face and my arm shook. Nobody did a thing and I could hear it through the song that was playing. I remembered what the mysterious boy had told me last night. Right before the day of the exam.

"You can always bend the rules if and only if there is an emergency," he said.

"Yeah? Like what?" I asked, looking at his dark brown eye. Who knew what secrets he held.

"If you bleed, or if you're in immense pain, but you gotta be smart. You can't just be upfront and ask to be woken up in the middle of the dream. Allude to being woken up."

"So during the exam, I can't directly ask to be woken up but only hint to it?"


"Thanks for being completely clear with me."

"No problem, love," he said as he winked. Then he drew his gun and shot me in the head once again.

Suddenly, the voice changed to high-pitched screeching and howling.

"Sleep!! SLEEP!" The monster screamed.

Does it know that I'm awake? Is it going to kill me??

I shoved the earphones further into my ears and tried to focus on the music. Trying very hard to look like I was sleeping and just tossing and turning from the strange, outside force. I focused on the song that played in my ears.

We're lying on the moon...

The furry creature slithered hastily up and down my arm. Its body writhed in convulsions and its claws grabbed at my shoulder trying to pull me away from where I lied down. Its loud screeching and snarling made me shake with fear.

My dear, I'll be there soon...

The song echoed in my ears but it wasn't enough to make me fall asleep or at least try. My body wouldn't stay still as the monster tried to pull me off of the chair and my breathing was all over the place. I squeezed my eyes shut, not daring to open them and give myself away.

Why didn't I take the pill Vince gave us?

I felt something warm trickle down my arm and I knew it was bad.

Blood... BLOOD.

I remembered what the boy had said. Only in emergencies, I was allowed to hint that I wanted to be woken up. Or, in this case, be woken up from this LIVING nightmare. I needed help.

"LET ME SLEEP!" I yelled as I yanked my arm away from the monster. My eyes opened for a second and it was enough to make me recoil. Thank goodness the earplugs stayed in my ears, but the face of the monster was branded into my brain.

Its body was long like a snake. Hands or paws with long talons, thick, fur that was a sickly green shade, and wide, bloodshot eyes. The eyes had a tinge of brown and the instant I looked into them, I regretted it. The brown was the brightest brown I have ever seen and I knew who this poor soul was.

I had found Cassie.

A/N: How did you like it? What happened to Cassie?

Also, I really hope you guys like the song I posted! She's one of my favorite YouTubers :D Even though she is brand new to everything.

The song is the one Anonymous is listening to in order to fall asleep.

Make sure to vote if you liked the chapter and comment below what you think is gonna happen next! Thanks for reading everybody <3

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