24.5 (EXTRA) - Zero - Done Waiting

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"She's back." Cotton took a piece of cotton from the jar and handed it to me.

I took the material and pressed it onto my finger. The red liquid was soaked up into the white and I took a deep breath. There was no way she was back.

"Who?" I met Cotton's eyes with a blank look. I tried my best to hide my hope.

"You know exactly who I mean."

I continued to stare. I was not going to rekindle the hope that had died just a week ago. Cotton sighed in surrender.

"Anon's back."

I pulled the cotton ball away from my cut and saw a scab begin to form. My wound stopped bleeding, but I knew that if I wasn't too careful, it would start bleeding again.

"How did you find out?" I threw the used cotton away.

"She came to my office after getting shot." His blue eyes were intense. "I thought I was seeing a ghost."

"She can't be back." My heart pounded in my chest. I wasn't sure if I could accept this situation because of the pain it would cause if it weren't true. "We saw her get taken away."

Cotton grabbed my shoulder and made me look at him. "You know she's a fighter. She would never go down without making a fuss."

"Whatever," I shrugged his hand off and grabbed the bracelet next to me. "I'll believe you when I see her myself."

Walking down the halls of the academy, I felt light-headed. My paramour, Anonymous, was back. She was probably walking to her dorm right now to spend her "first" night here.

Imagine how scared she would be like she was when we first woke up together in the forest. She nearly broke my nose when I was the first person she saw when she opened her eyes. I chuckled at the memories.

Reaching the skywalk, I looked down at the fountain. At night, the trickle of cool water was music to my ears. Leaning onto the railing, I breathed in the cool night air.

Zero has finally found his paramour, Anonymous. I wonder what she's doing? Maybe she's...

I stared into the sky that was filled with stars. And then it hit me. If Anonymous is sleeping, I can see her if I'm sleeping too. If we both dream, there's a chance for us to meet if the rumor is true. I took a few moments to calm down, and before I knew it, I splashed into the fountain of the Leader Village.

"Pajamas, check. Bed, check. Lights, check." I looked around the room after my shower and tried to think of what I was forgetting. A piece of glass glinted in the candlelight on the table that was next to the front door. I walked towards it and picked it up. The bracelet gleamed in the light and I smiled at my craftsmanship, "Bracelet, check."

I clenched it in my fist as I lied down in bed and closed my eyes. As if my body knew how much I missed her, everything shut down as soon as my head hit the pillow. Before I knew it, I was dreaming.

She was right in front of me. Her ash brown hair was spread out and her breathing was steady. The person I had been looking for, yearning for, and dreaming for, was right in front of me. Two years felt like an eternity and I wasn't going to let go of this opportunity.

I was standing on sand and when I took a step towards her, the white turned to ash. I took a whiff of the air and it smelled like smoke. The same smell that once emanated from Anonymous. I saw her hand twitch and then grab a handful of the ash black sand I had made.

Her eyebrows crunched together in a scowl and I managed not to laugh. Without another second to waste, I kneeled down and held her hand in mine. It felt cold but nice. I smiled down at her beautiful face, until she looked like she was in pain.

What's wrong?

"Stop!" She yelled and her beautiful grey eyes popped open. Our eyes met and for a second, I was in awe of her beauty. Whenever I saw her, it felt like I was seeing her for the first time.

She kept staring at me and I whispered something that I meant more than anything.

"You must win," I whispered.

"What?" She scowled at me.

"You need to win." I squeezed her hand as if I was begging her.

Then we can be together again.

She shook her head in confusion, "I don't understand."

I felt my heart squeeze at the utter confusion that was displayed on her face. She looked incredibly lost. But panic surged through me at the thought of her using her REM sleep right now. Without hesitating, I pulled out my sniper.

I pressed the point onto her forehead because there was no way I was going to let her turn into an insane person again.

I love you so much.

"NO!" She yelled.

The word barely escaped her mouth when I pulled the trigger. Then, I woke up in cold sweat.

She's back. She's really back.

I stared up at my ceiling with my chest heaving up and down. I clenched my hand. When I felt nothing in my palm, I smiled.

It's my gift for you, love. Welcome back.

A/N: It's NOT a new chapter but it IS a new extra!! What did you guys think? This was in Zero's perspective.

How did this chapter make you feel?

ALSO: if you guys want to make a cover for Username 1, feel free to send it my way!!!

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