5 - In My Mouth

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First, I dedicate this chapter to MichaelLimjoco. His book helped me out A LOT. Thank you!!!

ALSO thank you guys so much for the 100 reads!!!!!! Hope you enjoy this chapter!

Huffing from the pain, I could do nothing but cling helplessly to the people who flanked my sides. We reached the office and the Astynomia sat me down on a bed that was identical to mine and the one in Cotton's office.

Hearing the others come out of the auditorium was torture. The pitter patter of footsteps and the loud rumble of voices filled the halls. It took several minutes for the sound to die down as the Awakened Ones were directed to their next activity.

A minute passed. Maybe ten, maybe even twenty.

The door finally swung open and Dr. Oneiro walked into the room. Or should I say, floated into the room.

He sat in front of me in a large chair and looked at me straight into my dark eyes. His white eyes were scary to look at and I averted my gaze.

I gulped and tried to concentrate on not lying down onto the medical paper. My heart pumped and with each beat I gripped the edge of where I sat.

"I see you have something that others do not." Dr. Oneiro stood up with much grace. He walked toward me and took my right arm. "Where did you get this?"

He gingerly felt the leaf pendant in between his thumb and index finger. It seemed as if the heat didn't affect him like it did me.

"I-I don't know," I stuttered, "it appeared when I woke up."

I did my best to keep my eyes open. The heat was over me like a deadly fever and all I could do was try and control my breathing.

"I'm sure you're not supposed to have this."

I tried to swallow but my throat was dry like sand paper. My head felt like lead and it lolled in between my shoulders.

Dr. Oneiro unwrapped the bracelet from my wrist and let it sit in his hand as he inspected it.

"Very peculiar," his lips curled up. "I've never seen anything like this before. Please take this dreamer to the dark room."

He looked at my other wrist to see my number.

"Number 23," his voice drawled, "I will remember you."

The guards took my arms again, but before they could stand me back up, I heard the door bang open.

"Hey!" The dork yelled.

The Astynomia flew back, which made my weak body fall onto the bed. I heard grunts and shuffles.

Are they fighting?

"Stop him!"

I squinted through the light and saw a tall dark figure throw a punch at the doctor. The room was still and quiet.

"I'll take that." A deep voice came from the mysterious person as they plucked my bracelet from the doctor's hand.

"What?" my voice croaked.

"Did you miss me?" A deep voice asked.

I succumbed to my heavy eyelids as a pair of arms scooped me up. The smell of firewood filled my nose as my head rested on a rough material.

"You're gonna get in trouble..." I whispered.

"I never get in trouble, love."

I felt something delightfully hot on my lips and it made me feel instantly better. My eyes fluttered open and right in front of me was the boy with different colored eyes.

"You," my voice sounded angry and amazed at the same time.

"Me," he agreed. His lips formed a crooked smile.

He carefully set me down and my legs wobbled. I leaned on the door frame and looked inside the main office. The Astynomia and the doctor were all lying down, unconscious.

"What did you do to them?"

At least the bodies were breathing.

"Oh stop it you," a giggle came from the doctor.

And dreaming.

"Don't worry. They won't remember a thing when they wake up."

The boy fished something from his pocket. A smooth blue pebble popped out and he lightly licked it.

I scowled.

He tossed the object into the room and closed the door. I heard the sound of a small geyser and the window fogged up with white smoke. He turned to me.

I scowled.

"What?" a look of amusement danced in his face.

"You killed me. In my dream." I hated how I couldn't stand on my own.

"I did?" He chuckled.

"Who are you?" I willed myself to stand up straight. I was unsuccessful. "What do you want from me?"

"You have so many questions." He raked his hand through his jet black hair.

"Wouldn't you if you were in my place?" I felt the anger boil inside of me. "If you woke up and didn't even remember your own name?"

"You should sit down," he reached out to take my arm but I slapped his hand away.

"Don't touch me."

I sat down and buried my face in my hands. This boy who had pointed a gun at my head in my dream was actually alive.

Who does he think he is?

"Here," he said.

I felt a tug on my ankle. I looked up to see that he had clasped the bracelet around my leg.

"Nobody will notice it here."

When I opened my mouth to protest, he popped something into it. Something bitter sat on my tongue and it was too sticky to spit out. My mouth glued shut and my mind got cloudy.

"Just win," he said sadly, "that's all I ask of you."

"Mf!" I mumbled as loud as I could.

"What? Sorry," he laughed with amusement, "I can't understand you."

He winked his grey eye at me.

My eyelids got heavy again.

Why do I always feel like I'm being drugged? Then again, he keeps putting stuff near my mouth.

"Sleepy? I'll stay with you 'til you fall asleep, love."

He sat down a foot away from me and softly tugged on my hair. My body responded by laying my head onto his lap.

He began to caress my hair and stroke my head. The soothing touch felt...familiar. As if this had been done thousands of times before.

If only I didn't have amnesia. 

"I'm so sorry you have to go through this," he whispered.

Before I could mumble something else, darkness swept over me.

A/N: If you liked it, it would help me out a lot if you clicked the star button :) Thank you so much for reading my book!

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