22 - Forgotten

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Suddenly it was pitch black in front of me. I felt a soft pillow under my head and the crinkle of medical paper moved under me. I felt a sharp pain in my chest every time I inhaled and soft murmurs were heard. I felt wires on my head, chest, and fingers and realized that I was in a hospital room.

"Miss Anonymous," a metallic voice rang out from all around. "You have completed the final exam for the Awakened Ones."

My eyes fluttered open and I was blinded by a bright light. For some reason, my eyes tingled. Everything appeared to be clean and white and if heaven had a hospital, this would be it.

"Two broken ribs, a sprained ankle and arm, and no brain damage. Except amnesia." A doctor appeared next to me with a checklist and checked the machines that were next to me. "Your result will be revealed in ten minutes so please make sure to check your wrist every once in a while."

I scowled at the doctor and felt horrible. What had just happened? Where was I? My mouth was filled with sand and my whole body ached.

"The name of the leader will be revealed in T-9 minutes." The metallic voice vibrated throughout the room and fear consumed my mind.

The last scene. I can't remember anything. After the doctor appeared, I woke up.

They unhooked the machines from me and wheeled me out of the room. I lied in bed and stared up at the ceiling lights that passed by in blurs. My whole body was filled with pain but the thing that bothered me the most was not being able to remember my fight with Dr. Oneiro.

"Can I know what happened?" my voice sounded like nails on a chalkboard. The nurses payed no attention and I saw that they were all extremely pale. Just like the Astynomia.

They silently rolled me into another room where I saw other Awakened Ones sleeping. They placed my bed next to Winter and I felt a little more at peace seeing his calm face. His eyes were closed and his breathing was steady. He had already been attended to and it appeared that he only had a few scratches on his face. On the other hand, I heard my breaths come out in ragged gasps.

"She is going to need something for her sprained ankle and arm. Her broken rib scratched the side of her lung so please, somebody attend to that. After the operation, she's going to need special attention from the brain doctor for her amnesia." The person who seemed to be the head doctor was telling everybody what to do. I stared at the figure to see that she had red hair and thin lips.

"Miss Red," I croaked out as I tried to grab her sleeve.

"Please, Miss Anonymous." Her voice was like a knife. "Don't move."

"The name of the leader will be revealed in T-5 minutes." The metallic voice returned.

"Can I..." I tried to look down at my wrist that lay at my side. But I couldn't get a clear view since my whole body ached. Miss Red leaned over to check it and her face remained emotionless.

"Three," she said simply.

Three. I thought to myself. I have to win.

The nurses worked on my arm and ankle since they were sprained. I felt an icy cold mist being sprayed onto my limbs and, for a second, it felt like I was in heaven.

"Cotton, attend to the amnesia after we finish with her."

The familiar name made my ears perk and I tried to sit up.

"Cot!" I gasped.

"Miss Anonymous please remain still!" A strong hand firmly set me back into the bed.

"Hey, I got her." I felt a smoother hand softly grab my shoulder. The somewhat familiar touch let my whole body relax and I lied down again. "Hey Anonymous. Woah, your eyes."

"Please, Cotton. Use the prefixes with the students." Miss Red glared at him. "She's already ill-mannered."

"Miss Anonymous," he said with a wink of his blue eye. "Your eyes look different."

"What do you mean?" I scowled at his puzzled face.

"They're glowing. But your grey eyes look darker at the same time. Anyways, I'll help you as soon as you get operated on, okay?"

"The name of the leader will be revealed in T-3 minutes." The voice rang out again with the countdown.

"Cot," I groaned. "What does my wrist say?"

He looked down and I saw fear flicker in his eyes, "Three."

"I'm not gonna make it," I whispered.

"It's okay. There are three other Awakened Ones still in the exam. If they all fail to get higher than you, you might become the leader."

"The name of the leader will be revealed in T-2 minutes."

"What if I don't? What if I fail?" I heard pain in my voice and I noticed how much it affected Cot. His beautiful eyes rested under scrunched up eyebrows as he carefully caressed my face.

"It's okay, Anonymous. I believe in you. He believes in you."

"The name of the leader will be revealed in T-1 minute."

I shook my head. "It's still three isn't it?"

"I know you did well. Anonymous, he's waiting for you. You have to go back to him!"

"The name of the leader will be revealed in T-30 seconds."

I squeezed my eyes shut and clenched my jaw.

What happens to the other Awakened Ones who don't become leaders? What's the boy with multi colored eyes gonna think of me?

"T-10 seconds."

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I failed.

"9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Time."

"Congratulations, the new leader among the has now been decided. We welcome Winter into the leader village."

A/N: Plot twist or nah? Did you guys expect Winter to become leader or did you expect Anonymous to become leader?

What do you think about her eyes??

Hope you enjoyed the chapter :3 It's been a while and I had really fun writing this chapter!!

Also, make sure to check out Invisible Love!! It's gonna be EPIIICCC.

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