3 - Username 23

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It seems like my first story hit #919 in Science Fiction!! I was beyond excited when I saw it! It's a good sign right?? Thank you to every single person who has read my book so far. I really hope you like it :)

The dream started with me seeing black.

Just. Black.

I waved my hand in front of my eyes. Or at least I tried to. I saw nothing but a thick curtain in front of me that made me blind from my whereabouts.

It seemed as if I was lying down. The material under me was gritty and soft. 

Maybe it's sand.

I grabbed a handful of the mysterious sand-like material and took a whiff of it. It smelled of burning wood. Like a campfire.

What kind of sand smells like smoke?

I let the substance sift through my fingers and fall to the ground. When it hit the floor, I heard the sound of the ocean. Like the deep blue one I saw just the other day.

Just the other day... 

Light streamed through the dark atmosphere and, somehow, the memories came flooding back into my mind. The cobalt sea, the names, the gun...

I gasped as I felt something around my hand. Something extremely hot. I tried to pull away from the excruciating pain but it just increased.

"Stop!" I yelled and when I looked at my side, there was a boy. A boy with a brown eye and a silver eye. 

The pain suddenly disappeared and I saw that his hand was carefully placed in mine. His eyes glowed with a strange aura and I couldn't take my eyes off of him.

"You must win," he whispered.

"What?" I knitted my eyebrows together.

"You need to win."

I shook my head, "I don't understand."

He blinked once and drew a large gun out.

Is that... a sniper?

He pressed the point onto my forehead and I was filled with fear. His finger reached for the trigger but kept his other hand in my own.


The word barely escaped my mouth when he pulled the trigger.


"Please enter the series of thoughts, images, and sensations that have occurred in your dream."

A metallic voice woke me up as a steel hand gave me a glass of water that tasted like coconut. I sat up and sipped the water. In front of me was a screen that read "Dream Log" at the top in big bold letters and instructions that told me to pull my keyboard out.

My keyboard? Since when did I have my own keyboard? I blinked.

I stared blankly at the screen for a second and remembered my inventory. With a swipe of my finger, the inventory popped out with glowing blue letters. I saw my pill jar and right next to it was my "keyboard."

As soon as my finger poked the small square, a digital laser keyboard appeared before my eyes.

Obediently following the instructions, I typed out my dream. The darkness, the plasma-like touch, the smells, and the boy.

I reread my dream to refresh my memory then hit the enter button (or tried to, considering it to be in the air), and a word and a number popped up.

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