1 - Anonymous

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I opened my eyes to an eerily blue ocean in front of me, it was different from what I used to wake up to every morning. 

But, what did I wake up to every morning? 

I got up from the gritty sand and looked around me. A tan girl with long legs looked at me with bright hazel eyes. Her aura screamed energy as she reached out to help me stand.

I scanned the beach and saw that there were a few other people. A tall guy with dirty blond hair, a short girl with brown hair, and another tall guy with brown hair. Hair this, hair that. My mind was a little fuzzy.

For some reason, everybody had familiar faces, but I couldn't figure out their names or where we've met.

"Have we met before?" I looked at the athletic girl with hazel eyes. Her face twisted in confusion.

"I feel like we have but I can't seem to remember where or how."

I slowly nodded and I noticed that the three other "friends" did the same. We sat down on the shore and stared at the brilliant blue waves come in and wash out repeatedly.

We talked about how almost everybody woke up on the beach without remembering a single thing about themselves, but everybody admitted that we were supposed to know each other. All was familiar except our background information.

Energy girl talked animatedly as she talked to the tall brown haired dude who looked a little like Patrick Dempsey.

Wait... How do I know the actor Patrick Dempsey?

I shook my head as the short girl walked up to me. 

"Hey almond eyes." I stared at her in confusion as she sat herself down next to me.

"What'd you call me?" 

She shrugged. 

"We all need some kind of nickname since we don't know our real names."

I nodded. She had shoulder-length brown hair and she was curvy. Her waist was thin but her hips were wide. There was confidence on her shoulders and she seemed strong-willed.

"Hey guys." The dirty blond joined us. He, also, had hazel eyes and his face looked sincere. Whenever I looked at him, my gut fluttered without explanation.


We talked some more and suddenly a loud siren went off from the speakers overhead.

"What's that?" Patrick Dempsey was the first to stand up.

We saw other people running into a long narrow tunnel not far from where we stood. We decided to follow suit. Everybody's faces were etched with determination and in seconds, we were engulfed by darkness once we entered the tunnel. Only the pitter patter of shoes against sand could be heard and the soft huff of the blond boy next to me filled my ears.

My heartbeat quickened and I felt the blood rush through my veins. My head throbbed with the sudden exercise and I did my best to keep my pace.

It seemed as if ten minutes had passed and I was on the verge of passing out. Gulping in air and feeling a little claustrophobic, I squeezed my eyes shut and kept running. My shoes started to run on what seemed like a tiled floor instead of sand, and when I opened my eyes again, a light zoomed into view ahead of me.

"Dreamers, return to your classrooms. Awakened ones, please make your way to the computers." A loud voice sounded throughout the tunnel, surrounding us. It rang out with such force, I could feel it through my bones.

We got to the end of the tunnel and the large group split in half. I noticed most of them were teenagers. We were now running into what looked like a large building with gaping windows and long hallways.

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