25 - They Knew

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A/N: Dedicated to@1stchance who made this amazing cover photo!!! 

"Experiments?!" I stared at Zero in disbelief. "Who-. Who would do that?!"

"Who do you think, Anon?"

I racked my brain to think of the most inhumane person in this academy. Somehow, trying to remember certain things was not my strong point anymore. Especially after the horrendous exam.

Miss Red? She's mean but she's not inhumane... Dorkface from the Astynomia? No, he just likes to hurt people by beating them up. The Doctor..?

"Doctor Oneiro did that to them?"

I thought about his colorless eyes and his face that was filled with the never-ending universe that ominously drifted across his sharp features. The way he would come out in my dreams and nearly kill me in real life. How he called me to his office the first few days I was here.

"That's what I suspect. I'm not 100% sure but I have my suspicions." Zero huffed out a breath. "We need evidence."

Floating around in space didn't seem safe anymore. Even though I had Zero's arms wrapped around me, I couldn't help but imagine that the Doctor's face would suddenly appear and swallow us whole. I shuddered.

"Hey, no need to be scared." Zero brushed my bangs out of my eyes and kissed my forehead. "I think our time is up now, Anon."

"What?" I started to hear murmurs all around us, even though we were all alone in space. A soft hum began to sound and a steady beep resonated throughout my brain. "What do I do Zero? I don't want to go back..."

I tried to wrap my arms tighter around him, but I already felt my real self slowly wake up.

"I'll see you soon, love."

I hugged tighter and tighter, but with every second that passed, everything faded away.

"Anonymous," a voice whispered from above. "Anonymous."

Am I dead?

"Ahem," somebody cleared her voice. "Mr. Cotton, I will not repeat myself. Please use the prefixes with the students."

A sharp voice... Gives me a headache.

"How am I supposed to call her Miss Anonymous when she's my sister?! Also, it's not exactly the perfect time to be 'Mr. Right' in this situation!"


"Keep your voice down Mr. Cotton! She might here you. Wake up, Miss Anonymous." I felt somebody shake my arm and I grimaced at the sudden pain.

Ouch. She's strong.

My eyes popped open and I saw two familiar faces. My teacher and my nurse. I was flooded with relief, but for some reason, their faces were filled with shock and wonder. They stared as if there was something on my face.

"How long was I out for?" I asked them, blinking.

"Almost two days now," Miss Red breathed. I have never seen her awestruck like this before. Her strict nature was replaced by a sudden wonder and her eyes didn't leave my face.

"Is there something wrong with my face?" I touched my cheek to look for a pimple.

"Anon, your eyes..." Cotton pointed at my left eye and then my right eye.

Miss Red passed me a hand mirror and I took it to look at myself. When I saw my own face, I was startled by how clean it looked. After the living hell I went through with the exam, there wasn't a single scratch or bruise on my face. My skin had a slight glow to it and I looked extremely healthy. As if I've been having lots of good rest. But my eyes...

"One's brown..." I breathed. I blinked my left eye to check if it really was mine. When I looked at the other one, I did my best not to scowl. "The other it's..."

"It's pitch black." Miss Red nodded. She had shaken off the wonderstruck look on her face and now she was back in business. "I understand that your left eye is brown because of Zero, but how did you get your right one to be black? You normally had grey eyes."

When I heard his name, I looked at her. "How do you know Zero?"

"I've been a teacher for more than ten years." Her red lips pursed into a thin line. "I know my best students."

"So you knew about me too?"

"I did."

"Okay, no time for chit chat! Anon!! You're awake! You had me worried sick." Cotton drew me in for a hug and I waited for pain to shoot me in the chest. But I felt perfectly fine. "You were sleeping for two straight days. How are you feeling?"

"I'm surprised to feel no pain." I said as I tested my arms and legs out. I was supposed to have a broken rib and a sprained ankle and arm. Bruises were scattered on my body but they had all disappeared. When I felt my once-broken ankle, I found a small bracelet wrapped around. It had a glass leaf pendant and I smiled. "How did I heal so quickly?"

I silently tucked my legs away under the blanket. Hoping that they didn't see what I was smiling at.

"I want to say that the medicine spray did it but before I did anything, you were already healing while you were sleeping."

"You look a lot stronger too, Miss Anonymous," Miss Red said as she looked me up and down. "But it's different from when people start to run out of REM sleep."

"I saw Zero," I said looking at their faces.

"Okay, I think we should save this conversation for a different time. We need to go." Cotton got up from his seat and handed me my uniform with a serious look. "Get dressed, the doctor wants to see you."

We stood in front of the office door, our hearts beating in sync. I read the name plate again just to make sure I was conscious of where I stood. Dr. Oneiro. He was the last person I wanted to see, but I knew this was my chance. I squeezed my hands into fists and took a deep breath.

I have to find out about what happened to Cassie and even MacBeth.

"Anon," Cotton put a hand on my shoulder. "If you need anything, you know what to do."

"Can you be any more vague?" I frowned at the nurse.

"Come on," Miss Red knocked on the door. "It's second nature to you, Miss Anonymous."

The door opened a crack and the horrible voice called for me.

"Come in Miss Anonymous. I have been waiting for you."

A/N: Sorry about the late upload :( You know me...

What do you think is gonna happen? Why did the Doctor want to see Anonymous? Are Cotton and Anonymous really siblings??

I want to know what you, Dreamers, think!!

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