21 - Final Task

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"D-Delilah?" I stared at her in fear.

Her face contorted into a sickly green shade and suddenly her cheeks started to grow wiry fur. Her eyes grew larger and her teeth turned into fangs.

"Anonymous," it hissed. Her fingers grew longer and longer until they became talons. She reached over to me and before I knew it, her nails tightened over my chest. I yelped from the pain as the pressure tightened around my ribcage.

"W-What are you doing?!" I screamed.

A series of gnarls and screeches escaped her mouth. She waved me around in the air and suddenly I was flying down towards the mountain.

"No!" I yelled.

I was free falling. The valley was behind me and I couldn't do anything but to just fall...or did I have another choice?

Wings! I can think of wings! Fly Anon, fly.

I willed my brain to work as I plummeted for the earth.

Birds. Flapping. Feathers. Fly. Sky. Soar.

I felt a tickle on my back and knew it was working.

Clouds. Float. Air. Angels. Wings. Alive.

There was a sudden prick and I felt two small wings form on my back. I reached around with my arm and felt two cushion sized cupid wings.

"Why aren't they BIG?!" I yelled with exasperation. I was still falling and I did my best to flap my newly formed wings. It appeared to slow me down from falling, but it didn't help with eliminating the possibility of death.

Land. I have to land somewhere!

My eyes caught sight of a river and I prayed to whoever it was that it was deep. I tilted my body forward to fall/fly towards it and I felt it work. The river got closer and closer until I was fifty meters over the water.

Dive in.

When everything seemed like it was gonna be okay, I felt claws dig into my back. A screech filled my ear and I got a glimpse of something green and gooey fall on my shoulder.

"No!" I crashed into the water along with the monster that clung onto my shoulder blades with its talons. I felt my chest hit the bottom of the river and felt my rib crack. The impact of the water hitting me blew the air out of my lungs and for a second, everything was numb. I felt nothing. I knew nothing. And I thought I was dead.

But all of a sudden, I felt a searing hot hand grab my wrist and before I knew it, I was back in reality. I held my breath, struggling underwater with the monster behind me. I tried to swim for the surface but the monster behind me was not thinking the same thing.

We struggled under the water. I thrashed and grabbed. Trying to hurt whatever it was that was hurting me. I felt something soft around my hand and I squeezed as hard as I could. A pop sounded and a muffled screech followed. The monster let go of my back and when I turned around, it was missing an eye.

I paddled myself to shore and gasped for air. The land felt good and solid under my body even though my ragged breaths were as painful as ever.

"Help," I rasped. My vision was etched in black and I felt as if I was about to pass out. A figure loomed into view on the beach and I reached out my hand.

"You came this far?" A sarcastic voice came from the person. "I didn't realize you would do so well."

The distance between me and the boy was gone in a second and I was staring at a pair of eyes that were brown and grey.

"You," I whispered.

"Hello, love. Did you miss me?" His crooked smile made my heart jump but something was off about him. His face looked like it was hiding a galaxy under his skin.

"It's not...you," I gasped. I struggled to get up but another sharp pain pierced my arm and ankle.

"Oh, it is definitely me." He got up from where he kneeled and as soon as he got up, it was as if a cover was pulled away from the body. The star humanoid had appeared once again.

"You again!" I struggled even harder to get up this time and I succeeded. I ignored the pain coming from my chest, arm, and ankle and glared at this star man. "What did you do to him?!"

"Him?" The star man picked up the human-shaped cover that resembled the boy. "He was my puppet."

I shook my head. "That's not true!"

"I know everything about your little adventures Anonymous."

"And how do I know you're not bluffing?!"

"Because I," the humanoid's body convulsed and when he rose his head, it was Dr. Oneiro. "am the doctor."

A/N: The chapter was getting long so I decided to split it in half :( Sowwy...

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Make sure to check out my new books too!! I highly recommend Invisible Love. For real doe. I worked so hard on it >.<

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