26.5 - Winter - Her Eyes

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A/N: Now, I know it's not a main chapter but I still worked hard on this!! In two weeks I'm moving to a different country so it's a bit chaotic over here.

Please understand my slow updates :( Thank you for being patient, Dreamers <3

As soon as she opened her eyes, I knew there was something different about her. Cliché, I know. But I had this feeling in my gut that she was not the typical seventeen year old teenage girl. It's been only a couple of hours since I woke up and my mind was still fuzzy from the who-knows-how-long nap I had just taken.

"Have we met before?" The girl asked my friend with the hazel eyes.

"I feel like we have but I can't seem to remember where or how," she answered.

"Hey," I greeted her with a smile as I raked my hand through my dirty blond hair.

Really?! That's all you can think of?

"Hi," she shyly said back. I sighed with relief when she answered. Giving myself a pep talk, I took a seat next to her.

You're doing well, buddy. Keep going and keep your cool.

"How's your head?" I asked.

Seriously? Her head? Why not ask about her stomach next time?

"It feels weird." She scowled. "It feels like I took the longest nap I've ever taken."

"You'll get used to it." I smiled for encouragement.

I hope I didn't sound rude.

She smiled back and turned her head to stare at the ocean. I examined her face and I couldn't take my eyes off of her eyes, which reflected the cobalt sea like my favorite salt water taffy that tasted of cotton candy.

Wait, what? My favorite candy is a greyish blue?

I shook my head at the sudden realization about myself. It was the first fact that came to mind. But why candy? Everybody else remembered what they liked to do or what age they were. Why did I have to remember my favorite candy?

Suddenly, a horn blared and everybody started running for a tunnel. We followed the others and I thought I would pass out from the sudden exercise. I huffed in the darkness and right before I gave up, a light could be seen at the end.

I followed everybody else and obeyed what was instructed. The "Awakened Ones" were put into a room with computers and strange, pale-faced men were put around the room. We were told to choose a name and as soon as the curvy girl typed hers in, she was shot.

"What are you doing?" Miss grey eyes piped up. She started bickering with the pale man and she didn't look a tad bit scared. I envied her for being brave. Her eyebrows were knitted together and intensity stormed in her eyes.

Would I be able to stand up for my friends like that?

One by one, people followed the curvy girl, now named Cassie, and I decided to do the same. I slowly typed my favorite season.


I did my best to keep in a whoop of happiness.

That's my favorite season... But why winter?

"Wait!" Somebody shouted.

I turned to my side to see the girl's beautiful face filled with terror.

"Are we gonna die?" She asked.

A chill ran down my spine as horrendous outcomes flashed before me. Being shot to death, being drowned, beaten to the point of never waking up by these sick-looking men. We would never be able to find out who we truly were.

But the outcome would be unknown unless we took action.

This charming girl in front of me looked frightened to death and I wanted to help her relax. I needed to compose myself in order for her to feel at peace.

Now, I can't just give her a hug since that would freak her out, but the least I can do is stay calm. Even though I want to pull her in and wrap my arms around her.

I shook my head.

"I don't think death is gonna be that easy for us." I reached for the ENTER button before the sudden rush of courage left me.

"I don't know what I want for my name!" She shouted again as she grabbed my hand.

How about Beautiful?

Her hand was cold but it felt nice on my warm skin. Her fingers were delicate and soft and I couldn't help but smile at her.

"You'll figure it out." With one last look of her beautiful grey eyes, I tapped the button and suddenly, my back was filled with pain.

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