6 - Gettin' Steamy

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Dedicated to @angelically because you're one of the sweetest people I have ever met on Wattpad! Fellow boobette/eye.

"How you feeling?" I felt a light tap on my forehead.

"Hm?" I groaned. My body felt like it had been mowed over by a truck.

What's a truck?

I opened my eyes, which took a lot more effort than I thought it would.

"You feeling better?" A pair of blue eyes gleamed above me.

"What does...feeling better mean?"

Cot threw back his head and laughed. It was effortless to smile with him.

"Man, you knocked out when you left the auditorium."

I frowned.


The memories flooded back. The Astynomia. The doctor. The boy.

"Where did that dude go?" I slowly got up and I felt better when Cot sprayed some kind of mist in front of my face. I smacked my mouth and tried to remember the bitter tasting object the boy had popped into my mouth.

"What dude?" Cot stood up to put the can he treated me with back.

"This guy," I did my best to remember his name. "He got me out from the doctor's office."

He never told me his name.

"You mean the nurse's office? Well, honey. You're still here if you can't tell."

"Interesting," I said under my breath. "And there he was, calling me love."

Had it all been just a dream? No, of course not. It was real.

"I guess you were dreaming or something." He shrugged.

"No, you don't understand! He had a grey eye and a brown eye." I almost stabbed my own eye trying to explain. "Is that even possible? Two different eye colors for one person?? It all seemed so real and his touch was very hot!"

"Oh, gettin' steamy in your dreams I presume?" His eyes glittered with amusement.

It took a while to sink in.

"Cot!" I complained. I felt my cheeks prickle with heat.

He laughed more than I wanted him to. I bit my lip with frustration.

"Don't worry, your secret's safe with me." He winked.

"I don't have any secrets!"

"Yes, yes Ms. Anonymous." He mockingly saluted me. "Well, off to school with you. You've only been out for three hours."

"Three?" I looked around to find a clock. There was none.

"Today we will learn about the stages of sleep." The strong voice filled the whole room.

The Awakened Ones supposedly had to learn all about sleep, dreams, and interpretations. We even have to take quizzes and tests.

Oh, joy.

"What happens during the first stage?" The teacher wore a uniform similar to ours except for the color, which was brown. Her red hair was tied back, like all the girls, into a high bun and her eyes crackled with green electricity.

I saw somebody raise his hand.

"Yes Mr. Spartacus?"

His chest puffed up after the teacher had called him "mister."

"It's when the person, you know, gets ready for bed. Like, brushes their teeth, combs their hair, goes potty..." He did a squat.

The room giggled.

"Wrong." Her voice was like a whip. "Anybody else?"

Winter raised his hand

"Yes Mr. Winter?"

"It's when the person's muscles and eyes are still active and when they try to go to sleep. Their brain waves change from alpha waves to theta waves. Not only does the person start to lose awareness of the outer world, but some start to have hallucinations."

"Very good." Her lips curled up into a smile.

Winter winked at me as I rolled my eyes.

Show off.

The class dragged on with the rest of the stages and we were dismissed. We all stood up to leave but I heard her call.

"Ms. Anonymous?"

I turned around to see the teacher sitting at her desk. She was reading something.

"Yes ma'am?"

"Please come."

I slowly approached her after I had motioned to my friends to go to dinner without me. Kiara, Cassie, Winter, and Patrick all left and the teacher and I were the only ones left in the room.

"Why were you late?" It sounded more like a demand rather than a question.

"I was in the nurse's office," I replied calmly.

"I see." She fixed her glasses and put the papers down. "I do not want any more distractions from you."

I nodded. No point in arguing with her. She would knock me out flat with her electric eyes.

"Good." She clasped her hands together on the desk. "I am Red."

"Um, I don't think you look red ma'am." I stared at her cheeks that looked a little pale. They were lined with beautiful freckles and I finally noticed how attractive she looked.

"No," she shook her head, "my name is Red. You will address me as Miss."

I blushed.

"Yes ma'am."

She shot daggers at me.

"Miss," I corrected myself.

"Good! Now run a long. Actually, don't run. You'll get caught by those people who look like they're gonna faint." Her voice was as hard as steel.

"You mean the Astynomia?"

Her calm demeanor changed in an instant. Her eyes widened and she snapped her head toward me.

"How did you know their name?"

I shrugged. "Maybe it came in a dream?"

She stared at me a second too long.

"You are dismissed, Ms. Anonymous. And be careful with what you say."

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