7 - Dismembered

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Dedicated to @sunni2303 Thanks for helping me with my relationship problems ;) Hope you enjoy the book!!

While at lunch, I debated with myself about whether to tell my fellow mates about what I had seen.

Would they believe me?

"Are you feeling better?" Cassie looked at me with concern in her eyes. "I was so worried!"

"Yeah, I'm much better. Cot helped me." I smiled.

Better to keep it low key. They might as well turn me in to the doctor saying that I have mental problems.

"Why did Miss keep you in the room?" Kiara cocked her head to one side.

"Oh," I replied, "she just wanted me to not make any more distractions."

"I was actually glad you came in the middle of class!" Patrick said loudly. "Talking about sleep made ME sleepy."

"But Mr. Winter here," Cassie joined in, "he's such a smarty pants."

"Yeah I saw that part." I nodded.

My friends kept joking around and laughing quietly, careful not to get in trouble. With them, the place didn't seem so bad. I scanned the room to see that the Astynomia, the pale faces, were located at all the doors. As always, they looked emotionless.

The afternoon passed by in a blur and we were sent to our rooms to sleep. I remembered to take my pill and lied down after getting ready for bed. Sleep washed over me even though I had taken a nap earlier that day.

Then, the dreaming started.

I was outside. At least, I think I was.

It was nighttime and all I could see were swaying forms. They stood tall and with each breeze, a rustling sound ran through them.

I got near one and touched the base of it. It was rough and when I pulled back my hand, something like sand remained on my fingertips. No, it was darker and softer.

I looked up to see millions of white dots up above.

"What are those?" I breathed.

They glittered in contrast to the night sky. It looked like what had been on the doctor's face except, less colorful. Just black and white.

"They're stars, love."

I jumped when I heard a voice. The voice came from the mysterious boy I had met earlier. His grey eye seemed to gleam in the light of the biggest white ball I have ever seen in the sky.

"Stars," I whispered. His eye looked as if it had one inside of him.

His crooked smile made my insides do a flip-flop.

"I'll show them to you when the time comes," he said.

"You mean," I wondered, "we can get out of the academy? Is this even near the school?"

He chuckled.

"Will you go out with me, Anonymous?" He reached out his hand.

When he said my name, it seemed foreign. As if my whole being knew it wasn't my real name.

"Sure," I said, "I'll go outside with you."

When I took his hand, the most bizarre thing happened. His fingers stretched longer than they should have and I realized that my arm had shot out of my body to take his hand.

We stood several meters away from each other, but we were holding hands. Except his fingers were tremendously long and my arm wasn't attached to my body.

A/N: Hey guys! Ignis here. Make sure to follow me if you want to know when I upload a new chapter. OR add this book to your reading list so you can get the notification of an update.

If you liked this chapter, it would help me out a lot if you could vote or comment :D Thanks for reading!

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