10 - The Leader Village

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The earth grew closer and closer with every second and thank any god in the world that the fountain decided to be right underneath me. With an enormous splash and a punch to the gut, I was consumed by the cobalt water. I curled up into a ball in the liquid and froze.

"Hey! There's somebody here!"
 "Is that an Awakened One?"

"Is she okay?"

I heard muffled voices through the water. For some odd reason, I could see perfectly in the blue water. As if my eyes already had built-in goggles.

I felt hands grab my arms and yank me out. Coughing and sputtering, I shook the water from my face.

"Vince! You didn't have to do that!"

I heard somebody laugh. Maybe Vince.

"I didn't realize she would be so scared! You should've seen the look on her face!"

A tall girl flagged my left side while a boy flagged my right. The girl was large and she had cropped, lavender hair. The boy looked incredibly muscular with a crooked smile that would make girls bow down at his feet.

Everybody had different colored hair that varied from jet black to ghost white. Nobody was wearing a white uniform like me. I saw Vince across from where I stood slash leaned.

"Why'd you do that?" I glared at him.

I just now noticed his hair was green that matched his uniform. He had a smile of amusement slapped on his face.

"Have you tried looking back up at the skywalk?"

I felt a series of giggles and chuckles as I looked up above. The bridge was only two meters above ground and the tallest person of this group could definitely reach it.


"Like I said," Vince explained, "everything is not what it seems."

"Let's get you cleaned up."

The lavender haired girl walked me to a nearby cottage.

What's a cottage doing here? What is this place?

Entering the circular door, she sat me down on a bed. I looked around the room to see simple furniture and three other doors that showed a bathroom, a closet, and darkness. The well rounded girl had a green uniform on and searched for something in the closet and drew out a white uniform.

"Put this on. It might be a bit big for your tiny size but it's my old uniform. It'll be better than the ones stuck onto you like a second skin."

Looking her in her eyes for the first time, I noticed she had one green eye and one blue eye.

"Thanks," I muttered.

Very interesting. Lavender hair and now multicolored eyes. Just like that mystery boy.

I took the uniform and walked into the bathroom. I felt a pang of jealousy to see how leaders got to have one room mate and their own bathroom.

Undressing myself, I looked in the mirror for the first time. I had high cheekbones, ash brown hair, and glittering grey eyes.


My bangs dripped from the water and I did my best to dry myself off with a towel. Throwing on the spare uniform, I felt instantly better.

"Thanks for the uh..." I searched for words, "the help."

"Sure! No problem!" Her warm voice filled the whole house. She was sitting on her bed and I took my spot on the other one that was there. Her name tag read Delilah.

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