11 - Four, Seven, Eight

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"What are you talking about? It's killing me? Cot wouldn't do that..." I said.

Cotton had been the nicest person to me here. He wouldn't do that to me, right?

"Just skip it for tonight. I'll let you know then."

As soon as he said that, he walked out the door. The door clicked shut and I was alone with the burning candle.

"Did you hear?" Patrick joined us at the dinner table.

Wonderful. More rumors.

"What is it?" Cassie asked.

Everybody looked confident and refreshed for some reason. While here I was, living every day like hell and confusion.

"They said there's a Username 0." He whispered as he eyed the pale faces around the cafeteria.

"A what?" Kiara's eyes widened to show her hazel eyes. "I thought Username 1 became the leader but who's number ZERO?"

Patrick shrugged as he wolfed down some green beans.

"Maybe there's a secret system!" Spartacus joined us. "Macbeth's always coming up with these killer conspiracy theories and he said you can go lower than 1! Even down to the negatives!"

I thought of the boy who had asked Vince about why we couldn't remember our names. Macbeth seemed like a curious dude and I knew he had a thirst for knowledge. Not everybody had the hungry look in their eyes when we were in class.

"Seems like a bunch of bologna," Winter said as he shifted in his seat next to me. He rolled his shoulders and stretched his neck. He, too, looked energetic and refreshed.

"You look different," I pointed out.

He winked at me.

"Got some training done in the Practice Room," he smiled.

"You know," I played with the steamed broccoli on my plate, "I've never tried that place out."

"We have about two or three weeks left until the final exam and you haven't been there once?" He looked at me surprised.

"You need to go Anonymous!" Kiara took my hand. Her slender wrist looked toned.

What is going on?

We hurried and wolfed down our dinners and swiftly walked to the Practice room. My friends made me lie down in a bed and told me to relax.

"How can I relax when I have five pairs of eyes staring at me?"

Kiara started hooking me up to the machine next to me. Putting little, circular stickers on my chest and slipping a tube on my finger.

Winter pulled up the covers and fluffed my pillow. His face was inches from mine and I held my breath. His eyes were set on my face and I saw colors in his that I hadn't noticed before.

"Breathe in for four seconds, hold it in for seven, and breathe out for eight. It should calm you and make you feel relaxed." His angular face made me tongue-tied and all I could do was nod.

He smiled as he pulled away and Cassie, Spartacus, and Patrick took the other beds. Hooking themselves up to the machines and falling into a deep slumber.

"Good luck," Winter said. I closed my eyes and did what I was told.

Breathe in for four. I inhaled.

Hold in for seven. I paused.

Breathe out for eight. I exhaled.

After four sets, I felt very relaxed, and before i knew it, I drifted into a dream.

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