🦇 Vampire Queen! Chyna x Vampire! Wife! Reader🦇

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(This is part 2 of the Vampire Queen! Chyna x Female! Human! Reader scenario. In this scenario, Chyna and the reader are taking care of their daughter and now they're going to have another baby or babies soon. Enjoy.)

(Y/N)'s POV

I'm sitting on the couch in the living room with Chyna and our daughter, CJ.

Right now, CJ fell asleep on my lap and I was about to put her down for a nap.

Chyna said that she'll do it for me and carefully picked CJ up off my lap and brought our daughter to her room.

When Chyna came back into the living room, I feel her lips and her fangs moving across my neck. Even though we're both vampires, she still has a little taste for my blood.

She started to nibble on my neck and then I said,"There's something I need to tell you, Chyna."

Chyna asked me,"What is it, honey?"

I said,"I'm pregnant again, Chyna. We're going to have another baby, and CJ will have a little brother or sister."

Chyna started to squeal with happiness and started kissing me all across my face.

She placed a kiss on my belly and she said,"I can't wait to see what our next baby would look like."

I agree with her and we both started getting prepared for the next baby.

We told CJ and she is happy that she's having a little brother or sister.

8 months later...

I'm now 8 months pregnant with mine and Chyna's new babies.

We both found out that we're going to have twins: a pair of girls. Even though they're vampires as well, they're both really strong when they kick.

CJ's really excited about her two little sisters coming later today. I forgot that Chyna told me that the babies will be born and about eight months.

Right now, me and Chyna are cuddling on the couch with her head on my belly so that she can hear the twins' heartbeats.

I can see clear liquid going down my legs, and I started to hiss in pain.

Chyna brought me to the delivery room of our castle and told Miss Kitty to watch over CJ while I'm giving birth to the twins.

6 hours later...

It's been about six hours and I finally gave birth to the twin girls.

One has blonde hair with silver eyes and the other has black hair with grey eyes.

Me and Chyna named the blonde one: Kathy Marie Laurer, and the black-haired one: Janet Joanna Laurer.

After that, our kingdom of vampires became stronger than ever. Our daughters grew up and became so powerful, but Kathy and Janet seems to be stronger than their older sister.

As CJ got older, her eyes turned red and her black hair started having some white colored hair at the end.

Our immortal lives will be amazing no matter what happens.

What teen Kathy looks like:

What teen Janet looks like:

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What teen Janet looks like:

What teen Janet looks like:

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What adult CJ looks like:

What adult CJ looks like:

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(Thanks for reading this scenario, you guys.)

(511 words)

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