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"Blake, I can tell that you are incredibly busy," Mrs. Everetts - a short women who most thought was scary due to her built figure - called from the front of the room, "But could you ever so kindly tell us what is more important than English?"

Blake, who had previously been on her phone, glanced up quickly. "Pardon?" She questioned the teacher, causing a few students to snicker behind their hands. She flickered her almost black eyes around the class, noticing all the eyes were facing her. "I deeply apologise for not paying attention to the oh so tragic play, Romeo and Juliet. But let's face it, they both die and their relationships lasts what? Three days? Four?"

Mrs. Everetts crossed her arms over her chest, a thin eyebrow rising. "Blake, I am tired of you never listening in class and being downright rude. Escort yourself to the principals office straight away. I'm sure he'll love to see you"

Sighing, Blake began to pack her things back into her bag. Although the teacher had gone back to talking, a few students still looked her way with a smirk. She gave them all a tight smile and hurried out of the class, her bag swung over her shoulder. She played with her black hair as she walked down the silent hallways, the only sound coming from the classrooms on either side of her.

The walk to the office was short, and too soon Blake found herself sitting next to a boy she had seen around school. He was tapping his foot along to non-existent music, slightly annoying Blake. He was also humming to himself, his dark hair falling over her forehead. After a few more minutes of him humming, he turned to her with a smile. "I see you're wearing a Green Day shirt," He mused. His voice was like honey, sickly sweet. "But do you even listen to them?"

The finger that Blake had been tapping against her arm stopped immediately, almost in anger. She turned to him slowly, "Of course I do," She snapped, "What? Do you think I'm trying to be a typical white girl wannabe?"

"Well, I mean, no offence and all, but obviously you aren't white, but if the shoe fits" He replied with a innocent shrug of his shoulders.

"Oh, fuck off," Blake rolled her eyes. "I didn't wear this band tee to benefit your life"


oohh look i re-wrote this ahahah.

i generally hated the old one, and i hated knowing that people were still reading it. so i decided to rewrite it!!! i know a lot of people liked the old version but my writing has improved since this was written ((almost a year ago, yikes!!!)) and i want to make this story better. there are so many holes in this book that need to filled, and hopefully i do that. i have written down everything i plan to fix, but every chapter will be re-written, alright?

i love you guys so much and i'm still in shock of the fact that this has over 200k reads!! xx

(i changed what blake looks like and the person who plays her. blake is now played by amandla stenberg!!)

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