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"Are you okay?" Yeonjun asked. Y/N pushed Yeonjun away and nodded her head. She looked at Jaehyun who was standing at the hallway.

" Dinner is ready!" Y/N said. Jaehyun walked quietly and sat down, so did Yeonjun.

The three ate calmly and no one spoke. Y/N's phone broke the noise and started ringing.

"You can take it." Yeonjun said. " I know, excuse me." Y/N said as she bowed and went to the hallway to answer the call.

"Mom, is everything alright?" Y/N asked.

" Where are you now?" Her mother asked. " Me? I am at home, why?" Y/N asked. " I coming to Seoul, I'll arrive around 9 am." Her mother said.

" What? What do you mean by that?" Y/N asked, she was a bit loud. Yeonjun and Jaehyun looked at her.

" Anyway can you pick me up tomorrow?" Her mom asked. " Okay...." Y/N said. She ended the call and returned to the table.

" Who was it?" Yeonjun asked. " My mom...." Y/N said. "Why do you seem so sad about it?" Jaehyun asked.

" My mom is coming to Seoul tomorrow." Y/N said. Both of the boys chocked. "So suddenly?" Yeonjun asked.

" It's okay, you can tell her that you are living with Yeonjun." Jaehyun said. "Are you kidding me? She is gonna have a heart attack! my mom is a bit..... Discreet....." Y/N said.

"You are not like that?" Yeonjun said. Jaehyun pushed him a bit. " Why will she be worried anyway? I am not a bad guy...." Yeonjun said. Y/N gave him 'Are you kidding me?' look.

" It have been always like this since I was a kid. I have never met my father and my mom said he was long gone. She always felt scared that I might become a toy and some other crazy thoughts, she has a big imagination." Y/N said.

Yeonjun crossed his arms and closed his eyes. "How long will she stay here?" Yeonjun asked. "Um.... probably one week?" Y/N said.

" If that's the case, you can rent a small room in an apartment and stay with her there until she leaves." Jaehyun said.

" Good idea." Y/N said. She gave a high five to Jaehyun, Yeonjun rolled his eyes. " I will ask someone to find an apartment near the company and fill it with furniter so that it seems like someone lived there." Yeonjun said.

" That's good too." Y/N said. "When is she arriving anyway?" Yeonjun asked. "Tomorrow at 9 AM." Y/N said. "Why didn't you say it earlier? I need to make the call now." Yeonjun said.

Y/N and Jaehyun laughed at him. 'Even though we are fighting over a girl, it won't break our strong friendship...' Jaehyun thought.

" So tomorrow I am having an official break." Y/N smiled. " Have fun with your mom, I am gonna miss you." Jaehyun said as he patted Y/N's head.

Y/N packed all her important items and placed them aside. She lied on her bed and thought about everything that happened since the day she met Yeonjun.

'My life is insane.... isn't it?' She sighed.




Y/N woke up really early. She prepared breakfast for the boys and got ready to go and check her 'permanent' apartment.

" You are already awake?" Yeonjun yawned as his eyes were closed and he held into the door so that he won't fall.

" You have a big mouth!" Y/N laughed. Yeonjun only wiped his eyes.

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