Ch. 49 - Decisions

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*Time skip to the twins senior year of high school*

Olivia POV

It's our 18th birthday and we are in our senior year of high school. Liv and I will be announcing what we are doing soon. We decided to have a party with some of the national team so we could announce officially to them what we were going to do after high school.

The whole team has arrived and puts all of their stuff away in their rooms. Once everyone is settled in we all head into the kitchen to eat lunch which was ordered from Subway because mama said she didn't feel like cooking. After lunch we all went outside for the birthday party and our announcements.

After we open presents, moms have us get everyone's attention and Char asks me to go first. I know she is nervous to announce her news. The last thing she wants to do is disappoint our moms which I think is literally impossible. I think they will actually be really proud of her decision.

With everyone's eyes on me, I start. "Hi guys! Thanks for coming to celebrate our birthday. That's not the only reason why you are all here. The national team has been a huge part of Charlie and I's life even before mom and mama adopted us, but you guys have become our family too. I wanted you all to know first that I officially have committed to Stanford University on a full ride soccer scholarship." I looked to Mom and Mama who both had their mouths dropped open and tears in their eyes since I had kept this from them. Mom, Mama, and Aunt Chrissy all ran over to hug me.

"We love you sweetie, and we're so proud of you," Mom and mama told me as they hugged me.

"Char? Why aren't you celebrating with your sister? This is great news!" Mom asked Charlie.

I looked over to Charlie who was smiling at me and I smiled right back before answering mom. "We already had our mini celebration because she was the first one to know."

"How long have you known?" Mama asked next.

Charlie walked over and gave me a hug, "For the past two months. Hardest secret I have ever had to keep."

"You've both known for the past two months?!" Mom and mama yelled at us the same time causing Char and I to laugh and apologize to them while hugging them.

Charlotte POV

Liv just announced her great news. It's great news because she's actually going to college, but I'm not. It's now my turn and I glance over to Liv who gives me a reassuring smile. Of course we both told each other about our news before everyone else.

I walk over to where Livie had just been standing and take my place.

"So, I have news as well. I just want to thank all of you guys for coming to celebrate with us and for always being our family and supporting us in more ways than one. Unlike Olivia, I will not be attending Stanford or any college for that matter." I turned to look at mom and mama who didn't look disappointed, just confused. I then looked at Liv who continued to smile and mouthed 'It's okay.'

"I'm sorry mom, I'm sorry mama. I am actually going to be graduating a semester early, meaning in December, as I have officially been signed on as a new goalkeeper for the Portland Thorns. Mom, you are going to be my new coach." I turn to her and smile just to see tears streaming down her face.

She runs over to me and swoops me into a big hug, "I love you so much baby girl."

I was crying too at this point, "I love you too mom."

Mama, Liv, and all of the Portland girls came over to hug me as well before the rest of the national team hugged me and Liv.

"So how long have you known about joining Portland?" Mom asked.

I looked at Liv and gave her a worried look and she just laughed and shook her head. "Well she told me about four months ago and I'm pretty sure she told me almost immediately after it happened."

Mom turned to me, "FOUR MONTHS?" I cracked up laughing and hugged her again.

"I'm sorry mom. I wanted it to be a surprise so I made them promise not to tell you. Are you upset I'm not going to college?" I ask her and mama nervously.

"Of course we aren't upset. We are so proud of you for being brave enough to make your own decisions. And of course we are happy that you're going to playing on our team!" Mom told me and mama nodded her head in agreement.

We finished the rest of the party before Liv, Morgan, Becky, and I all snuck over to Becky's house to do the thing mom and mama made us promise to wait to do until we turned 18. Liv and I didn't plan on losing our virginity to our girlfriends at the same time because that would have just been weird.

We lied and said we needed to get something from Becky's because we wanted some time alone. It just happened that when we got there Becky and I went to her room and Morgan and Liv went to Becky's guest room. One thing lead to another and next thing I know I feel like I'm floating and walking out around the same time as Liv who looks to be in about the same condition as me.

When we got back, we couldn't keep it a secret because Aunty Ash and Aunt Carlos immediately noticed and pointed it out to everyone. "OH MY GOD THEY JUST HAD SEX!"

Liv and I must have looked like a deer caught in the headlights because mom and mama intervened. They both gave us an 'are you serious right now' look before telling all of the girls to shut their traps and leave us alone.

Liv and I took off for our bedrooms with our girlfriends not far behind us before locking ourselves in our separate rooms where we died of laughter.

Becky had climbed into my bed with me not far behind her. She opened up her arms and I curled up in her embrace. "I love you Becky." I tell her as I kiss her cheek.

She kisses my lips, "I love you too Charlie. I'm so happy I will get to play with you on our team officially." I just nodded my head before dozing off in her arms with Willow at our feet. 

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