Ch. 38 - Panic Attacks

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Charlotte POV

Willow has been by my side non-stop and is honestly so amazing at her job. When they first explained to me all that she was trained in, I didn't fully understand until I watched her work.

The other day I had a panic attack when I saw a man who looked similar to father on social media. Willow immediately went to work by sitting in my lap and licking my hands in face in order to pull me out of my attack.

I haven't had too many panic attacks since bringing Willow and Rosie home, but the few I have had Willow has done an amazing job keeping me safe during them.

I am heading home from Becky's right now and I have Willow with me. I had hung out with Becky all day since Portland had the day off from training and Morgan had arrived to visit with Liv since we are throwing a party to start off the next USWNT training camp soon.

I had walked with Willow over to Becky's every time since I have gotten her because I want her to know the path home from Becky's in case anything were to happen. Unfortunately, I waited a little too long before heading home today and it was already dark.

Becky insisted that she drive me home being it was dark, but I told her I would be fine because it was only five minutes. I really wanted her to drive me, but lately I have really been struggling to feel more like an adult. I don't want everyone to feel like they have to baby me all the time, I want them to see I can be independent.

As I'm walking home I am becoming more and more nervous. I never really liked the dark and being out alone this late really doesn't help me. I walk on the main road because I feel safer with the street lights, but when I hear a loud crash come from a dark trail I immediately feel like I can't breath.

I manage to move away from the trail before collapsing. My vision is getting blurry, I feel like I am going to be sick to my stomach, I'm sweating and shaking. I feel as someone is holding me down and I can't escape.

I can faintly feel Willow licking me but it's not enough. Her leash was loose around my wrist so when she takes off, I barely feel it. I fall back into the grass beneath me as the attack takes control.

Hope POV

Morgan had come to see Liv before everyone leaves for camp and Kelley and I were on the couch waiting for Char to come home from Becky's. It's getting late when I hear a dog come in from the dog door in the back.

It can't be Rosie because last I checked she was in Liv's room. Instead Willow comes running in, I know it's her because she has a blue collar and Rosie's is purple. The problem right now is Willow is without Char.

Willow barked at me three times and took off back out the door. I yelled for Kelley before running out behind Willow.

I keep up with Willow when I see Charlie laying on the ground under a street light. "Charlotte!" I yelled out for her and scooped her up into my arms once I reached her.

"Char baby, please come back to me. You are fine. You are safe. It's mom here. Come on sweetheart." I talked to her softly in order to remain calm.

"Charlie! Oh shit!" I heard my wife yell as soon as she caught up to us with Morgan and Liv right behind her.

Charlie started to come out of her attack, but stayed nuzzled into me. Of course, other than to pat Willow and reward her for her work. I just held onto Charlie as everyone else stood around us. Eventually Becky started walking down the road as well.

Once she saw all of us she ran until she was standing in front of us. "Oh my god, Char are you okay?" Char didn't verbally respond, but instead just nodded her head. Becky glanced at me.

"Willow came running into the house and barked before running back outside. I followed her and found Charlie on the ground. I'm assuming Willow couldn't pull Char out of her attack and she came and got me. She had never done it before though."

Becky reached over and rubbed Charlie's back who had pulled herself out of my lap by now. "Babe, I'm so sorry you went through that. Next time I'm driving you home, no questions asked."

Charlie just kind of groaned before I spoke up, "I agree with Becky. It's not safe for you to walk alone even if it's only a five minute walk. What if something were to happen to you when Willow left to find me? Someone is driving you to and from Becky's if you don't drive yourself, understood?" I asked her giving her a slight glare.

She nodded before telling me yes. Becky gave her a hug and a kiss before walking back towards her house and the rest of us walked back to our house.

We were walking up to our front door when Charlie put her arm around my waist and leaned her head against my shoulder. "Thanks for always being there for me mom. I love you."

I smiled at her genuine confession, "I love you to baby, you will always have me."

Olivia POV

We all make it back home after being out with Char. Morgan gets into my bed and Rosie hops up and lays in between her legs.

"Rosie!! How dare you choose her over me?" I exaggerated being offended and Morgan laughed at me.

"Rosie must like me better, feeling is mutual," Moe said with a slight smirk and a shrug.

"You did not just say that," I pouted as I stood next to the bed causing Moe to laugh at me.

"Awh babe, you know you are always my number one," Moe said as she tried to pull me to her. I just grumbled and stood my ground. That didn't last long because Moe started tickling making me lose my balance letting her successfully pull me onto the bed with her.

"Ha, got you into bed with me," Morgan said feeling proud of herself.

I cuddled into her side and grumbled at her some more. "Yeah yeah whatever babe. I'm just glad you are here with me. I've missed you." I said the last part looking up at her.

She gave me a smile before bringing her lips down to mine and connecting the pairs for our first kiss. We held each other close for a little while longer before pulling away, Morgan whispered in my ear as we did, "I missed you more Livie, will you be my girlfriend?" I smiled brighter before pulling her in for another kiss. 


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