Ch. 25 - Protection

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A/N: I guess I lied? I will for sure be taking a break after this update because I have two huge projects for school due within this next couple of weeks, but I finished all of my other homework and figured give y'all another chapter because I'm not doing those projects tonight. Please don't hate me that Mal is the bad guy lately, it won't last forever and there is good to come!

Olivia POV

It's the next morning and I stayed with Mama and Mom last night. After everything that happened yesterday they wouldn't let me sleep by myself, so I am currently cocooned between the two of them.

I had been facing Mama when I woke up and decided to turn to face Mom who was laying on her back. I wiggled my way up to where I could lay my head on her chest and snuggle into her. When I did she pulled my closer to her, still asleep. I felt myself dozing off in her warmth again.

The next time I woke up was due to Mom gently rubbing my head and I could feel that Mama was no longer in bed with me.

"Morning sunshine," Mom whispered to me as I opened my eyes.

I gave her a weak smile and said, "Morning Mom." Even though I was fine with how everything ended up yesterday, I still felt awful.

"You have that look Livie, what's going on in your head?" Mom pried.

I sighed before answering, "I'm worried about practice today. Mal is going to be there and if we aren't acting like a couple or even friends everybody is going to start questioning us and I don't want to deal with that." I finished it off with dramatically falling forward on the bed landing face first.

When I fell forward, Mom rubbed my back before speaking. "Mama and I will handle anyone who questions it. You've been hanging with Morgan right? Her and Heather know about this so if you can't be me, Mama, or Char, just try to hang around them. I know neither of them will let anyone bother you."

I sat up and looked at her, "Are you sure?"

She gave me a genuine smile and nodded, "More than sure. Now let's go get some breakfast."

I follow Mom downstairs and we sit with Mama, Char, Becky, and Morgan. Morgan is next to me and quietly whispers into my ear, "How are you this morning?"

"Honestly? I feel like shit. Just so many things going through my head and I feel like I can't process them along with not wanting to process them." I reply to her truthfully and she gives me a side hug in an attempt to make me feel better.

By the time we finish up breakfast it is time to go to the fields for practice.

Charlotte POV

We are all loaded up on the bus and on our way to practice. Moms are sitting next to each other and I was going to sit with Liv, but she assured me she was going to be okay and be next to Morgan. I was happy with that because that meant I got to sit next to my girlfriend.

I want to tease her a little bit so I decide to pretend to walk past her and ignore the empty seat right next to her. She caught onto what I was doing and pulled me down next to her.

She gave me a peck on the lips, "Nu-uh butthead. I know you don't have anyone else to sit with, your moms and sister are all with someone on the bus."

I stick my tongue out at her, "I know. I just wanted to tease you. Gotta say, I was pretty successful."

She gave me a cheeky grin, "Mmhmm."

We had awhile to go on the bus so I just leaned my head up against her shoulder which resulted in me falling asleep on the bus.

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