Ch. 46 - Funeral

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Olivia POV

Today is our first 4th of July with mom and mama! We are back home in Portland and I'm super excited but I am worried about Charlie. Today is the fourth anniversary of our biological mothers death which is hard for me, but it's a lot harder for Charlie. She also really doesn't like loud noises, I'm not a fan either but they don't really bother me as much since we've been with mom and mama. That was the one thing growing up she has always been afraid of. I don't think mom and mama know, I don't even think Becky knows.

It's still pretty early when I sneak into Charlie's room. Willow is on the bed at Charlie's feet and Rosie hops up there next to her when I lay down in bed with her. Charlie was already awake, I'm guessing because of the fireworks last night happening around the neighborhood. If she's in a house, she can manage better than being outside.

"Fireworks have you up?" I ask her as she leaned into me.

She didn't respond verbally, just nodded her head. I sighed and held her close to me. "Something else have you up too?" I ask a little quieter and she nods her head again. I feel her tense up against me before she silently sobs into my arm. I hold onto her a little tighter before she starts calming down.

"It's been four years Charlotte. I miss her too and it's fine to mourn mom but don't let it control you. We were lucky to have her the 12 years we had her for, but we got something some kids don't get when they lose their mom. We got a second chance and they're asleep in the other room right now. We were never allowed to grieve moms death because dad never really gave us the opportunity, so we are going to do that this morning and then this afternoon we are going to celebrate the holiday with our family. Got it?" I tell her with a stern look across my face.

She giggles and nods before getting up to get ready. I guess she was laughing at me being the stern twin for once in my life. I leave her room before getting onto my laptop to try to help Charlotte grieve better.

I start typing in moms full name along with her birthday and where we lived just to see what I could find. After a couple of variations and attempts I finally found a site called Someone who knew her must have updated and added things to it since there is a picture of her headstone that I have never seen and neither has Charlie.

I run downstairs with my computer and set it up on the coffee table in the living room before grabbing a couple of candles, lighting them, and placing them next to my laptop. I also open spotify and pick out a few songs to play during our "service". I picked some typical songs that would be played at a funeral. I've never been to a funeral before so I had to look up what music to play.

I then texted Charlie and told her to come downstairs. I eventually heard her and Willow's footsteps come down the stairs and as soon as she saw what I had set up she fell to her knees and began crying.

Charlotte POV

I looked up at Liv who was crying too, "Is that mom's headstone?" I sobbed out to her.

She got to her knees and nodded her head before I hugged her. We continued crying and didn't realize Moms had come downstairs.

"Girls? What's wrong?" Mom asked worriedly. Liv had music playing in the background that I just noticed. The song Hallelujah was playing and it made me tear up more for some reason. I left Liv's embrace and moved towards mom who instantly held me in her arms.

When I looked towards Liv, Mama was sitting next to her holding her hand. Liv gave me a questioning look to which I nodded my head at her to tell her it was okay.

"I found our biological mother's headstone. Charlie and I had never seen it before. I guess it kind of got to us." Liv told mom and mama who gave us sad looks. Liv and I both left them and walked over to the couch to sit in front of the computer.

"We weren't allowed to attend the funeral or actually grieve her death. It's the fourth anniversary of her death so we chose to do it today. Liv figured I could never move forward if this was still holding me back and she was right." I told them a little calmer.

"We can let you two do this alone if you'd like?" Mom questioned but I shook my head quickly.

"Will you both stay?" I asked without even looking over to Liv for approval.

They both looked to Liv so I looked over well just to see her smile at me and nod her head. "Please stay?" Liv asked as well.

Mom and Mama smiled at us both before sitting on the couch next to us. I cuddled into mom and Liv cuddled into mama. We spent the whole morning talking about what our mother was like and how Mom was actually super similar to her.

After our memorial service for mom we all got ready because we were going to have a cookout with the Portland girls before the fireworks. I asked mom to stay near me during the fireworks so I had to explain my fear to her, but she obviously agreed to stay. She also suggested I talk to Becky about it as well.

After the cookout, we all drove down to the Eastern Promenade to watch the firework show. I had Willow in between my legs, Becky on my left side and mom on my right side. Becky wrapped an arm around my waist and mom held my hand as the fireworks started going off.

I flinched at first, but Becky whispered soothing words to me as the display was going on that really helped calm me down so I'm glad I told her. I look over at Liv who is cuddling with Aunt Chrissy since Morgan couldn't fly up, but she still gives me a smile. She knows this is huge for me. I send her one back before looking at Becky.

"Thank you." I tell her so only she could hear me.

"What for?" she asked looking down to me.

"Always supporting me and helping me when I need it," I tell her before leaning up to kiss her lips. I felt mom let go of my hand which caused me to chuckle.

I turned to look back at her who was smiling kindly at me, "Didn't want to feel like the third wheel?" I asked her jokingly.

Mom just shook her head, "No, not that. Just didn't think you need me right now," she said with a smile.

I let go of Becky before leaning over and hugging mom. "I'll always need my mom. That'll never change."

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