Ch. 42 - Double Date

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Olivia POV

Apparently Charlie didn't get good feedback about her health the other day so moms are having to watch her plates and she isn't allowed to do much at training. I actually got really good feedback from my results and my weight went from 115lbs to 137lbs. Since I'm still on limited work we spend a lot of time together with Willow and Rosie while everyone else practices and trains.

We already had our first friendly against Australia and our team won 5-2. Auntie Ash started the first half and that's when the first two goals slipped in for both teams. It wasn't necessarily her fault. Australia plays rough and really separated our defensive line out. For the second half, Mom was subbed in for Ash and she didn't allow any balls through along with our team gaining three more goals.

The team is all preparing for the next friendly against Canada which I'm not too concerned about. However, before that, Moe and I are going on a double date with Becky and Char.

I was getting dressed with Charlotte in mom and mama's room while Becky went to get dressed in my room with Morgan. We all decided we wanted to dress fancy to make it feel like a real date and we are eating at the hotel's dining room which is extremely fancy.

I put on a dark purple sleeveless dress with a deep neckline along with some white heels. I just put some basic curls into my hair and put on a necklace that went with it. We always bring at least one fancy outfit just in case. Char was wearing a navy blue strapless dress with grey pumps and had her hair curled as well.

We were just finishing our last little touches when there was a knock on the door. I ran over to open it and Morgan was standing outside of it with Becky right behind her. Morgan was in a sleeveless black jumpsuit with black heels and her hair was in a half up half down bun. Becky was right behind her wearing pressed khakis and a three quarter sleeved navy button up with her hair naturally down.

"Wow, Moe you look great," I said smiling at her. She pulled me by the hips and connected our lips.

"I think you need to take a look in the mirror then cutie because you look absolutely stunning." She whispered into my ear causing a feverish blush to raise to my cheeks. I hid my face in her neck and gave her a hug.

Charlotte POV

Becky and Morgan just showed up so Morgan and Liv were already flirting. I looked past them and to Becky who looked amazing. Walking towards her she grabs one of my hands and pulls me closer to her. I take the moment to kiss her lips softly before looking up at her.

"Hi Becks," I whispered to her.

She smiled and kissed my cheek, "Hi Char."

"You look amazing," I confessed honestly to her and she chuckled a bit.

"Well if I look amazing then you are downright gorgeous," she kissed me again with a little more passion than our last one.

"Come on guys, we should go before we are late for our reservation," Morgan said breaking us out of our trance.

We had a fancy candlelit dinner at the hotel before heading over to the aquarium. After purchasing tickets we went in. There were so many animals! We first went through and looked at all of the creatures living in the rivers that run through the area we are in before seeing animals that live in other large rivers throughout our country. There were a couple of spots that the water was above you so I held Becky's hand tightly which she countered by wrapping her arm around me to pull me closer making me feel that much safer. I of course had Willow with me in case something went wrong, but it was a nice feeling to have Becky with me too.

We then made our way over to the ocean portion of the aquarium which was so cool. They had sharks and stingrays we could interact with and then more ocean life with bigger sharks that we could view. There was also ocean critters we got to see that produce their own light since they live in the depths of the ocean.

Once we made our way through and out of the aquarium we made our way to the ferris wheel, but had to walk around the big koi pond they had. Morgan and Liv were in front of us holding hands so I decided to take a picture and send it to Mom and Mama.

I told them that the date was going well and they told us to have fun. The next thing I knew, Becky and Morgan's phones both dinged. I internally groaned when Becky said it was a text from Kelley in the USWNT group chat.

USWNT Group Chat:

Kelley: *picture* here's a picture of half of the double date going on right now.

Carli: Double date?? No one told me of this

Ash: Yeah, must have missed that memo as well. Who's the other half and Carli wanna go crash it?

Hope: The other half is Charlie and Becky and no there better not be any crashing of dates otherwise I will not be happy.

Ash: Fine, Carli get Alex ready for a date and I'll get Ali ready. Maybe we can "meet up" with them.

Ali: Nope, babe you are staying in this hotel room with me.

Alex: Same for you Carli!

I had Becky put her phone away and groaned out loud into her chest this time. She just chuckled and held me against her.

"Really Charlie? You had to send Mom and Mama that picture?" Liv turned around to yell at me I kind of just shrugged in return as we made our way to the ferris wheel.

Once we were over there we decided we wanted to be in separate carriers on the ferris wheel. Liv and Morgan got into one first then Becky and I got into the next one. Once we were up at the top we looked out around us and were able to see the whole city.

"It's such a beautiful view," I said smiling looking out at the distance.

"Yeah it is," Becky said and when I turned to look at her she was looking right at me.

"You're so cheesy!" I said lightly shoving her.

"Mm maybe, but you love it." She said and I just nodded my head before leaning over to kiss her lips once we broke from the kiss she reached into her pocket and pulled out a box.

"This is for you," She said as she quietly handed me the box.

I was shocked, "I didn't get you anything though," she just shook her head and said that didn't matter and to open it.

When I opened it I saw a silver chain with a soccer ball charm at the end of it. I looked up at Becky with a tear threatening to fall from one of my eyes.

"Becky, it's so pretty. I love it. I love you." I told her and asked her to help me put it on.

"It's pretty just like you Char. I love you too." She told me before connecting our lips together. When we broke the kiss we leaned our foreheads together just smiling at each other until Becky's phone dinged. It was the group chat.

USWNT Group Chat:

Kelley: *picture* here's a picture of the other half. At least the first half kept their lips to themselves.


Ash: I'm going to have to have a little chat with Broon on the topic of our sweet and innocent Charlie.

Hope: You will do no such thing Ash.

Ali: Ash behave or no sex for a month!

Alex: Same for you Carli!

I groaned and leaned against Becky. "At least we sent them a cute picture."

Becky laughed at my pouting, "Hey I think that is a cute picture of us. We just are a little closer than they were." I nodded laughing. Overall tonight was a pretty good date night. 

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